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How to Close Pores on Face & Nose Naturally

Are there ways on how to close pores on face and nose naturally? Which are these ways to close pores on face? Discover the all-natural pore closing methods in this article for the entire face and huge pores on nose.

Most people with oily skin type have a problem with large pores showing on their nose, face and cheeks. I have oily skin and I can tell you my teenage years were my worst. The hormonal changes came knocking and pimples went berserk. I had to deal with pimples each day of my life.

How to close pores on the face naturally.
Closed or shrunken pores.

Now the pimples are long gone and what is left is a reminder of my teenage ordeal, scars and large pores. Sometimes occasionally, I suffer from an infected pore when I do not wash off any makeup properly. Its normal, but dealing with my large pores is my worst nightmare.

I want that flawless skin so much yet I cannot achieve it because, I understand that the pores are genetically formed. Nevertheless, I can close pores on my face with natural solutions at home, which I have learned over time from my researches. They have do not reduce the pore size per se, but only make them appear smaller or closed. Here are tips on for closing huge pores on  face and nose naturally.

How to Close Large Pores

The best tip on how to close big pores is, keep them gunk free at all time. What this means is that you should unclog your pores every time you cleanse, tone, moisturize, exfoliate and even mask. Every product you buy from the market should help you in your goal towards closing large pores.

There are many large pore minimizers in the market. However, the best is the one that can actually get rid of all the grease, dirt, dead cells and make the pores appear smaller.

How to Close Pores on Nose

The nose is the hood of the entire gunk in the pores and for obvious reasons. The sebaceous glands on the nose are the largest. This is why, most of time you would be caught with a shiny nose and be tempted to do a touch up every now and then especially if you are out on a special event like a date.

Cleanser for unclogging large pores on nose and face
Cleanser for unclogging large pores on nose and face

Nose sebaceous glands get overactive in the production of sebum and the effect of that is the oiliness you see or blot out. This sebum however, can be controlled with the right methods of cleaning your face. You have to pay attention to your nose each time you cleanse now that you have learned that the sebum there comes out in large quantities.

For starters, you will need to cleanse your face with a best pore cleanser that will wash off the sebum on your nose and leave not only clean but oil free. Once you are clean, you can make another step of steaming your face. When you decide to steam your face, ensure that the steam heats your nose area, while avoiding getting to close to the hot water because it can cause scalding on your skin. Simply pour some hot water in your bathroom sink, block the drainage and hover over the skin with you head hooded with a towel. The steaming should be done for 10 minutes then you come out all sweating because the dirt has been removed deep from your pores.

Wipe your face and get a clay mask to draw all the loosened dirt from your nose pores. Cover your whole face with the mask, but pay particular attention to the nose area. You want to close pores on nose and therefore, you should not miss any spot.

Depending on the kind of face mask you use after steaming your nose, you could need to use a toner over your nose. Be generous with toner on the nose because you can never be too sure that all the oil came out with the cleansing, steaming, and masking.

After toning your nose pores you can now moisturize the nose area with an oil free moistuirizer. It sounds absurd to add oil to an already oily nose, but it sure needs hydration to freshen.

How to Close Pores on Face

Pores on face or any other part of the skin are a turn off. When you want to wear makeup, you can never get that flawless appearance because of the pores. However, with a few tips on how to close pores on face, you can have gorgeous skin as any model on the runway. Let’s find out how to deal with large pores on different parts of your face.

Large pores on nose
Ensure that you get a cleanser for oily skin that is acne prone.

How to Close Pores on Cheeks

Discover all the tricks to get rid of large pores on cheeks at home. You can use these tricks at home without adding toxins to your big pores. This is how to close pore on cheeks:

  • Use oil free makeup
  •  Use a Concealer before foundation
  • Use liquid matte foundation
  • Apply clay masks often after steaming your face
  • Wear sun screen with anti aging properties to avoid further damage to your cheeks

How to Close Blackhead Pores

Blackhead pores are those, which have open pimples. The pimples therefore, are tarnished by air and they turn black. You can avoid having breakouts such as blackheads by unclogging pores effectively through steaming.

This is how to close blackhead pores

  • Cleanse with a face wash with fine granules so that you can exfoliate as you wash
  • Steam your face by heat compressing the blackhead pores, this will make the dirt to loosen up
  • Tone your skin with a natural toner such as witch hazel or apple cider vinegar mixed with water
  • Moisturize with an oil control moisturize
  • Remember to cleanse before going to bed and not as soon as you get home if you want to close blackhead pores.

 How to Close Open Pores on Face

Here’s how to close those open pores that are stubborn on your face.

  • Learn how to apply makeup the dos and don’ts on a skin with large pores
  • Invest in a makeup primerthat controls shine and helps the foundation stay for long hours
  • Use matte foundations that are liquid in nature and oil free, avoid anything that is creamy or in powder form.
  • Exfoliate instead of washing off makeup with a face wash with fine granules.

How to Close Pores Naturally

The best way to close pores naturally is by using DIY home remedy pore minimizer. This way, you do not have to worry about adding to toxins to your skin. The organic ingredients are guaranteed since you get them in their raw form. Furthermore, you do not have to dig deep into your pockets because these remedies are from products you have readily in your house. This is how to close pores naturally:

  • Use ice cubes before applying your makeup primer it will constrict the pores and make them close
  • Use citrus fruit juices to mask your face. Such juices such as pineapple mixed with lemon close pores naturally while adding vitamins to the skin.
  • Rub papaya on face and add more natural vitamins to your skin.

Does Cold Water Close Pores?

Does cold water close pores? Most people struggle with this question and I will clarify it finally. Rinsing your skin with cold water after washing with warm water makes your skin relax. The vessels surrounding the pores therefore, will appear closed and as opposed to open.

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