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How to Pick Out Your Signature Scent

There are a plethora of perfume options available in the perfume and fragrance world for you to choose from. Making a decision can be an intimidating and challenging experience at times. When you get to the counter, the only thing that can help you decide is the design of the bottle. Furthermore, you will only be able to sample a small selection from hundreds of options.

So, how do you ensure that you find a scent that will be your go-to for years to come?

Do your research

Most of the answers to our life’s questions can be found within us. Which scents have already blown you away? That should be the starting point for you.

If you are new to fragrances, you can also use distinct smells from your daily life that you always enjoy as a starting point for your research. It could be the coconut scent in your shampoo, or the fragrance in your body wash. These are also essential starting points for your search.

Another good starting point can be something that you believe. For example, if you are for the idea of uplifting the plight of black perfume designers, you can base your search on black-owned fragrance brands.

Proper sampling

The best way to find your new signature scent is to try it on. Most people, however, will make their decision by picking up the bottle, removing the cap, and sniffing it. Yes, this may help you decide right away, but all you’ve done is sampled the top notes. You have yet to investigate the base note or determine whether it interacts with your body.

When sampling, try it on a naturally warm part of your skin so that it can gradually reveal itself. Here’s a quick guide to testing fragrances like a pro.

  • Use scent blotters for more accurate scents.
  • If you want to spray in the air, do it downwards in the form of a small cloud.
  • When you spray it on the part of the body, give it time to settle. Then, you can inhale it later.

Don’t rush the process

It takes time to select a permanent fragrance. As a result, it’s best if you take things slowly and give yourself plenty of time to sample every fragrance on your shortlist. This will enable you to appreciate a fragrance and comprehend how it evolves in your body over time.

Most people make the mistake of trying on multiple fragrances at once. You may be in a hurry, but is it worth making the wrong decision? Sample one perfume at a time, allotting at least one day to each.

Follow your instincts

It is never a good idea to choose a scent based on the opinions or popularity of others. Remember, this is a scent you’ll be wearing for a long time; the least you can do for yourself is to choose one that naturally appeals to your senses.


Finding a signature is a special moment that should be treated as such. It should be a decision that feels natural to you. As a result, make sure that you exhaust all of your options and choose the one that truly reflects your personality.

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