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How to Remove a Keloid with Rubber Band on Ear & at Home

Do you want to know how to remove a keloid? This post is a how-to guide with specific information on how to remove a keloid at home, how to remove keloid on ear and why you should not attempt keloid removal with rubber band.

How to Remove Keloid on Ear

There are a number of ways that one can employ on how to remove keloid on ear. Consulting with a doctor gives one an overview of what to expect so as to be in a position to make the best decision. Some of the methods that can be used are as discussed below.

Surgical excision: Some keloids can be quite irritating and uncomfortable. This is more so if they are big enough and get caught up in the hair or on the clothes. To get rid of them, one can consider surgical removal. One can undergo general surgery or even plastic surgery to minimize as much as possible the visibility of the scar as well as have a uniform skin color.

Injections may be used to get rid of keloids

While this method on how to remove keloid on ear may be expensive, it is effective and will efficiently make the keloid disappear. In some cases, plain surgery can trigger recurrence. It is therefore best used together with other treatments such as steroid injections.

Silicone sheets: One can also talk to their doctor about getting some silicone sheets. One wears them on the keloid on ear until it disappears. Compression dressings also work in the same way.

Laser treatments: Laser surgery helps to reduce the red coloration on ear keloids as well as shrink their size. The process is not painful but is a bit uncomfortable. More than one session may be required depending on the size and part of the ear on which the keloid is located.

Cortisone injections: Another way of getting rid of keloids from the ears is through the use of steroid injections. These help to reduce the scars around the earlobe as well as those raised on the ear cartilage. The general procedure involves having one injection per month until it is all gone. With time, the keloid flattens up. Although these injections help to flatten the keloid, the part of the ear on which it was located does not get back to the normal skin color.

Keloid Removal with Rubber Band – Is it Risky?

You can use a ruber band to remove keloids
You can use a ruber band to remove keloids

Among some of the home methods that people employ is keloid removal with rubber band. This method is believed to work by curtailing blood supply to the keloid. As a result, the keloid starts to change color. With time it hardens and eventually falls off.

Though this may work, rubber strangulation of the keloid may worsen it if it gets irritated. A new one may form even after the initial one is gone. In the process of manipulating it, profuse bleeding may occur. It may also get a sack of fluid in it. Infections, both internal and external could also be experienced. The keloid may start oozing pus as well.

These are serious conditions that may make one to end up in the hospital. It is therefore best to leave the surgical processes to the doctor. In case one wants to use home remedies, make use of the natural keloid scar treatment but not rubber bands or strings.

Regardless of how much advocacy there may be concerning the use of rubber bands, forget it and get a consultation with a physician. In case you really want to try home methods, let it be those that are applied topically such as creams, garlic, and baking soda. These are safe enough. In case they do not remove the keloid, see a doctor.

How to Remove a Keloid at Home

There are many safe ways on how to remove a keloid at home. These methods take a little more time to take effect. In case one tries and they fail to work in the long run, a doctor should be consulted in order to have the keloid removed through surgical procedures.

Apple Cider Vinegar: With this remedy, the keloid does not only reduce in size but also stops being red. One should directly apply apple cider vinegar onto the keloid. To enhance absorption, massage it in. Once the vinegar has dried up on the keloid, repeat the procedure. It should take about five weeks to see a considerable change. Since vinegar may irritate the skin, it is advisable to dilute it with clean water if you have sensitive skin.

Baking Soda: Mostly known for its exfoliating nature, baking soda can also be used to treat keloids. Mix one part of baking soda with three parts of hydrogen peroxide. Coat the keloid with this paste three times a day. This will help get rid of the keloid as well as reduce inflammation.

Use baking soda to get rid of a keloid at home
Use baking soda to get rid of a keloid at home.

Lemon juice: The reason it works is due to the fact that it contains antioxidants and vitamin C. These are vital in treating scars. With proper and consistent use, there should be an improvement in the keloid’s appearance and flexibility. Pick a fresh lemon and extract its juice. Apply this on the keloid and let it rest for at least half an hour. Apply daily.

Aspirin: An aspirin paste can be used to remove a keloid at home. Crush a number of tablets and mix it with some water to make a paste. Use this on the scar and leave it to dry completely before rinsing it off. Follow up aspirin application with tea tree oil or any other essential oil to prevent it from becoming too dry.

Aloe Vera: This is very good at healing damaged skin. Another important role it plays is preventing skin infections during the healing process. On a clean keloid surface, apply fresh aloe vera juice. Do this twice a day until desired results are achieved.Use apple cider vinegar for those age marks on the face

How to Remove a Keloid Naturally

The ways through on how to remove a keloid naturally are varied. It only depends on what ingredients one has at their disposal. Though there are products available in stores that claim to be natural extracts, these are normally diluted through addition of fragrances, preservatives and such other ingredients. Make use of natural products that are close to you so that you can get the extracts when still fresh.

How to Remove a Keloid from a Nose Piercing

The methods used on how to remove a keloid from a nose piercing are usually the same ones used on keloid treatments in ear piercing. The similarity in it is caused by the fact that both mostly form on the cartilage.

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