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Laser Cellulite Removal Treatment – Does it Work?

Laser cellulite removal, also called laser cellulite treatment is a common skin cosmetic procedure today. In this article, we will look at the cost of laser treatment for cellulite, the procedure and how it is done, side effects, possible risks and some before and after pictures at the end of the article below.

At times we all get the images of a tighter, smoother bottom dancing in our minds. Such are the reasons that can drive someone looking for the best cellulite treatments even on another planet. They say laser cellulite removal works, and some cosmetic surgeons can swear by it. Fine, but here, we are going to look at laser cellulite removal 101 in order to determine how it works, different types, cost, procedure, risks and dangers, possible side effects of the method of getting rid of cellulite fast.

What is Laser Cellulite Treatment?

Laser surgery for removing cellulite bumps works differently from other methods such as home remedies and best creams. Since January 30, 2012, there came a new addition to the cellulite treatments that were already flooding the market. This surgery gained the approval of the FDA, so it can be used for treating cellulite in the United States. This laser cellulite treatment, also called Cellulaze, is quite different from other fat removal treatments because it uses a laser beam of light to treat the fibrous bands of tissue beneath the skin in order to prevent them from pulling apart to cause cellulite to form.

Cellulaze, the new laser cellulite removal treatment method also works by stimulating the production of collagen, which stiffens and improves the elasticity to the skin. We will look deeply at how this laser cellulite reduction procedure works. In a nutshell, laser technology has been used for quite some time now, if not for cellulite removal treatment, for various other cosmetic treatments such as stretch marks. A beam of concentrated light is used on the skin areas with cellulite to help get rid of cellulite.

Laser Cellulite Removal Cost

How much does cellulite laser removal cost? What is the cost of laser cellulite reduction in New York, New Jersey, Michigan? People say that the best cellulite creams for treatment of cellulite are expensive, but they sure are not anywhere close to how much laser cellulite treatment costs. According to Fitsugar, laser surgery treatment procedure costs between $5,000 and $7,000. The price of laser cellulite surgery will however depend on the surface area or size of the area being treated. The location you choose for the laser cellulite removal treatment procedure may also have an influence on the cost of Cellulaze.

However, ordinary laser cellulite treatments may cost less than the cost of Cellulaze laser cellulite treatment. A woman commenting on Oprah magazine noted that she had undergone a laser procedure for which she paid $2,100 for a couple of appointments – with results that did not satisfy her at all.

Does Cellulite Laser Treatment Work?

Cellulaze Before and after results, reviews
Cellulaze Before and after results, reviews

Does cellulite laser reduction work? Though you can reduce the appearance of fat dimples on your skin by toning and massaging, or even using cellulite exercises, the fastest way to get rid of the menacing dimples is to go for surgery. Most reviews and before and after pictures show that the appearance of the fat lumps improves after surgery procedures. There are different types of surgery and each one of them may show different results. Cellulaze for body firming is one of the most popular surgical cellulite removal methods that is said to work..

Cellulaze Laser Removal Surgery

So, how does cellulaze cellulite reduction work? Laser cellulite removal using the approved Cellulaze technique employs deep heating radio frequency energy that is combined with infrared energy. This helps stimulate the metabolism of fat. This laser for cellulite removal leads to breakdown of fat deposits beneath the skin, which is followed by subsequent uptake of the fats by the lymphatic drainage system. At the end of the laser cellulite removal procedure, the body gets a more contour look because the cellulite will be removed.

The laser cellulite treatment using the Cellulaze laser device is minimally invasive in getting rid of cellulite. A local anesthesia will be used to numb the areas of the body with cellulite. A few incisions will be made on the skin and the laser will be inserted so that it can heat and melt the excess fat blobs in your skin. laser for cellulite elimination procedure will take between 45 to 90 minutes depending on the severity of the cellulite on the body.

How Many Sessions Do I Need for Laser Cellulite Reduction?

Laser cellulite removal treatment is a completely an outpatient surgery procedure to get rid of cellulite. However, in order to get rid of cellulite and achieve a smooth skin, you might need a couple of sessions in order to achieve the desired results. Some people going for ordinary laser for cellulite eliminations may take up to 6 sessions in order to see changes. Whether the changes are highly effective or not will be seen in before and after photos of laser for cellulite elimination.

The results of the initial laser cellulite treatment may not be very pleasing, but over a period of 12 months, your cellulite is likely to continue improving. The effect of the laser for cellulite elimination is said to take about two years or longer if the patient decides to maintain a proper diet and exercise routine. When the surgery called Cellulaze was unveiled, doctors said that if the cellulite is not visible after 2 years since treatment, then it was highly likely that the cellulite had  been gotten rid of completely.

Other Surgical Procedures

Cellulaze is just but one of the newest laser cellulite treatments that have been used for cellulite removal. There are other laser for cellulite removal procedures that have been in use, although these have not been officially approved by the FDA in the United States. They include the following methods of getting rid of cellulite.

  • Surgical lasers for fat removal (smart lipo or mini lipo procedures)
  • Cold lasers for fat melting and getting rid of cellulite
  • Ablative lasers for cellulite removal
  • LED therapy ‘laser’ for getting rid of cellulite

Side Effects of Laser Cellulite Treatment

Well, like almost every other treatment, Cellulaze laser for cellulite comes with its own side effects. Dr. Z. Paul Lorenc, a plastic surgeon with 15 years of experience in laser cosmetic surgery pointed out the following side effects of laser treatment when being interviewed by the New York Times:

  • About 3 months of prolonged discomfort
  • Possible bruising that results from Cellulaze laser treatment sessions
  • Swelling on the skin, possibly as a reaction to the heating
  • Numbness in the skin after the reduction surgery procedure
  • Possible pain during the procedure. According to the New York Times, A patient reported that she felt 8 units of pain on a scale of 10 during the procedure of to get rid of cellulite on her thighs.
    Before and after one session of cellulaze laser cellulite removal
    Before and after reviews

Some doctors have mixed thoughts and conclusions about laser for cellulite treatment because they feel that FDA did not give the laser cellulite treatment procedure enough screening before approving it.

Laser Cellulite Treatment Reviews and Before and After Pictures

Not so many people have used laser treatment as a way of getting rid of cellulite because Cellulaze is quite a new procedure in the market. However, a few people have given Cellulaze reviews and before and after photos according to their experience with the procedure. Here are some of the opinions of doctors and reviews of users with before and after pictures included on the page.

Alternative non-invasive cellulite treatments only address the external effects of the skin but don’t address the core biology causing problem areas…Cellulaze is the first technology that goes directly after the actual biological structures causing cellulite.” – Dr. Andrew Kaczynski, M.D, Sacramento.

“…we’ll hear more and more about doctors doing the treatment combined with liposuction… for maximum results.” – Dr. Grant Stevens, Marina Plastic Surgery Associates.

If I had to do it again, I wouldn’t get it done.” – Wanda Lamerty, 41. Lamberty who was part of a laser cellulite study had her left leg retaining a lot of fluid (a condition known as seroma) within a week of the test.

“Do too much, you’ll get a seroma.” Dr. DiBernardo (one of the pioneer testers.)

With all these reviews in mind, ensure that you seek a doctor’s opinion before setting out for cellulite laser treatment. That can save you a lot of side effects as well as a lot of money. Otherwise, if laser for cellulite removal is not the best method for you to get rid of cellulite, you could try other effective methods of treating cellulite too.

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