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PMS Symptoms vs. Pregnancy Symptoms

What is the difference between PMS symptoms vs pregnancy symptoms? Are cramps common in the analysis of pregnancy symptoms vs. PMS symptoms? PMS refers to both emotional and physical symptoms that women have before they receive their periods.

Most of these happen to be similar to early signs of pregnancy. It is no wonder then that women will be at a cross road after they have had sex and experience some of these. Below, we discuss in details what one could use to tell apart PMS symptoms vs. pregnancy symptoms. We also explore some common aspects of the two such as cramping and charting. Find out more below.

PMS Symptoms vs. Pregnancy Symptoms
PMS Symptoms vs. Pregnancy Symptoms

Difference Between PMS and Pregnancy Symptoms

While most PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are shared, there are a number that are not. These can be used to differentiate PMS from pregnancy. Among symptoms that only occur in pregnancy are:

Missed period: For women with regular cycles, a missed period is a reliable way to tell that one is pregnant. This will help rubberstamp the symptoms they experienced earlier as those of pregnancy as opposed to them being PMS.

Implantation Spotting: Though a woman may have experienced ovulation spotting as a PMS symptom, getting some more spotting before the date of the period is an indicator that one is pregnant.

While ovulation bleeding takes place approximately 14days before the periods, implantation bleeding occurs 6-12 days after ovulation and fertilization. The bleeding can also be told apart from the onset of the menstrual period by the fact that it is different in color appearing as a pinkish or brownish discharge, is shorter and lighter.

Urinating Frequently: If you notice an urge to visit the bathroom more frequently, this could be an indication that you are pregnant. This will be a sign of early pregnancy as opposed to PMS. Frequent urination is caused by hormonal changes which increase the flow of blood into the kidneys causing it to fill up too fast.

It could also be attributed to the fact that there is an increase in the blood volume which makes the kidney to process more fluids thus making the bladder get filled up. This is a great symptom that can be used to separate a pregnancy from PMS.

Morning sickness: While a woman is pregnant, they are likely to experience nausea and vomiting. This could be triggered by various smells that they may encounter. Some foods could also not auger well with them.

The heightened sense of smell may contribute to nausea. To prevent this, one could eat some biscuits before they get out of bed. They could also drink a lot of water. Avoiding foods that could make their stomach turn could also be a great way of preventing nausea.

Sensitivity to smells: A rise in the levels of estrogen hormone causes one to have an increased sense of smell. For women who love to cook, not being able to withstand the smell of your favorite spices and foods could be an indication that you are pregnant.

You could also realize that colleagues’ perfumes bother you while that has not been the case previously.

Basal body temperature: As a PMS symptom, elevated body temperature is preceded by a temperature dip followed by an elevated body temperature which only lasts for a few days. After this, if fertilization does not take place, it goes back to normal.

On the other hand, an elevated body temperature as a sign of pregnancy is sustained after fertilization. The duration for which it lasts can tell apart PMS from pregnancy.

Skin disorders: The various hormones produced during pregnancy increase production of melanin. As a result a woman may experience dark patches on various parts of the skin. Those that are already dark colored such as the areola become even darker. A mask of pregnancy may form on the face. This is a reliable way of differentiating PMS and pregnancy.

PMS Symptoms vs. Pregnancy Symptom Cramps

PMS cramping usually starts when ovulation occurs. As the egg raptures the follicles, there is bound to be some cramping. As the uterine lining gets ready to be shed, it is also possible to get cramps. This cramping could extend up to when one receives her next period.

Cramping as an early sign of pregnancyCramping as an early sign of pregnancy
Cramping as an early sign of pregnancy is also a PMS Symptom

Pregnancy cramps are mostly experienced as a result of the fertilized egg burrowing into the endometrium in the uterus. This process is known as implantation and involves the blastocyst attaching itself to the uterus. Also, as the uterus expands and takes on a new shape in order to accommodate the baby, one could experience cramps.

There is a similarity between cramping during PMS and in pregnancy. If the cramping occurs during ovulation, it is likely to be accompanied by light spotting. Implantation cramping too could have the spotting symptom too.

PMS Symptoms vs. Pregnancy Symptom Chart

Onto the PMS symptoms vs. pregnancy symptom chart: Fertility charting is an important aspect of a woman’s reproductive health. PMS symptoms charting involves using a special calendar to plot the various PMS aspects both physical and emotional to see if they form a certain pattern. This then helps in knowing when the menstrual periods are likely to be received.

Pregnancy symptoms can be deduced from a basal body temperature chart. One can look out for an implantation dip similar to an ovulation one. This is then followed by an elevated body temperature, resulting in a tri-phasic temperature pattern which is an indication of pregnancy.

Another pregnancy indicator would be the luteal phase. One should take the longest luteal phase they have ever charted and if they exceed it with two days without receiving the monthly period, there is a probability that they are pregnant.

The cervical mucus could also be used in pregnancy symptoms charting. After ovulation, it is supposed to decrease and become scanty. If one is pregnant, it will increase and will have a milk white appearance.

While there may be a lot of similarities when comparing pregnancy symptoms vs. PMS symptoms, it is possible to tell the two apart. Women who are in tune with their bodies can easily do this. To be sure though that what one is experiencing is or is not a sign of pregnancy one should take a pregnancy test. This is most obvious and is the most reliable means of confirming a pregnancy.

With all these on PMS symptoms vs pregnancy symptoms, you should be able to distinguish some of the symptoms that may just occur as a result of one having menstruation and those when pregnant.

More on Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy:

See More on Ovulation, Conception & Early Signs of Pregnancy.

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