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Severe and Chronic Chapped Lips Causes and Cures

Severe chapped lips or chronically chapped lips can be caused by various reasons. Find the causes here, and the best cures and ways to get rid of chapped lips overnight, or fix them fast. Learn of what may cause your lips to peel for years, examining reasons such as STDs, thyroid problems, cheilitis and more below.

Chronic and Severe Chapped Lips
Chronic and Severe Chapped Lips Cures

Some people can suffer from chronically chapping lips for years, while for others, it is simply a temporary situation that comes in summer or winter. But does having severely peeling lips mean that you are unhealthy or are suffering from another underlying health condition? We will discuss this further below when looking at the causes of chronic chapped lips.

What are Severe Chapped Lips? Meaning

I have been having peeling and chapping lips for several months now, what are the causes? How do I get my lips chapping? What should I do for severe chapped lips? Well, these are some of the burning questions people keep asking. Clearly, lips that suffer severe or chronic peeling are those that show symptoms of drying up, cracking, peeling, flaking, shrinking and even sometimes bleeding.

The severity of the problem may depend and vary from one person to another, meaning that the causes may also vary from one person to another. We are going to look at the top 10 reasons for chronic chapped lips below.

Causes of Severely Chapped Lips

When lips start to dry up and peel, they may be an indicator or a symptom of an underlying health problem. Generally, they do so because of habits or change in weather, which generally causes dehydration. That said, here are the 10 quick chronic chapped lips causes:

  1. Breathing through the mouth
  2. Too much licking of the lips
  3. Windy weather
  4. Too much exposure to the sun
  5. Diabetes
  6. Allergic reactions to lip makeup such as lipsticks
  7. Vitamin deficiency
  8. Thyroid gland problem
  9. Some chapsticks and toothpaste may also cause severely chronic chapping
  10. Dehydration

Some people think that chronic severe chapping of lips and dry mouth is caused by an STD. However, in very few instances do people with herpes suffer from dry and cracking lips. Commonly, those with cold sores are likely to cause the problem. Before trying to find out how to treat peeling lips, it is important to know the reasons that brought them about. The causes of chapped lips in newborns may be different. See a complete list of severely chapped lips causes for more information on how to get rid of the problem overnight or fast.

Dry Cracked Lips
Cracking and Bleeding Lips

For people who have had the problem for a very long time, seeing a doctor to determine the cause is advised. Some people may hydrate their bodies, or take tons of water, but the problem may persist. Finding the underlying cause may help you find what to do for it.

Chronically Chapped Lips and Allergies

While most of us will try to find solutions such as the best chapstick for remedying the condition of our lips, you might find that you are suffering from allergic reactions, which cause the problem to recur over and over again. Mostly, the mitigation measure you could be taking to solve the problem of chronic dry mouth and chapping lips, such as using specific products, may lead to lip wrinkles and drying of lips.

How to Get Rid of Chronic Chapped Lips

Whether caused by thyroid gland problems, angular cheilitis, severe dermatitis, there are some chronic chapped lips cures that you can apply to help you resolve the illness fast. In this section, you will learn how to get rid of severely chapping and peeling lips using various options and methods. There are treatments, good home remedies and simple cures that you can opt for to gain baby soft lips again. Below are treatments, cures and natural remedies you can apply to fix or heal chapped lips.

Chronic Chapped Lips Treatment and Cures

With tiny cracks and flaking skin around your mouth, nothing can be more annoying. You definitely want to have them healed as soon as possible. While most of the treatments may not work overnight to heal the cracked lips, it is possible to soothe them and have them healed slowly.

Here are some of the treatments commonly used to fix chapped lips. Some of the treatments may be used to prevent the occurrence and recurrence of the condition, if it is not caused by certain medications you are taking, or some underlying health problem such as diabetes.

  • Apply antibiotics topically especially when you are sure the cause is bacterial infections. Most good lip balms contain antibacterial ingredients, such as Neosporin and Bacitracin.
  • Go for over the counter (OTC) preparation cures and treatments such as Carmex.
  • Ointments for lips, especially those containing hydrocortisone 2.5 percent are good cures.
  • Rosen’s ointment is a good cure for chronically and severely chapped lips in adults and pregnant mothers. Severe chapped lips in kids or newborns may not be treated using some of these prescriptions.
  • Taking more vitamins, especially those that are categorized as the causes when they are deficient. These include riboflavin, B, C and A.
  • Lip care products such as Neosporin Lip Health Overnight Renewal Therapy are recommended.

Chronic Chapped Lips Home Remedies

With home remedies, you can also heal chronic dry chapped lips easily. Most of these are prepared at home using simple ingredients found at home. Here are some of the best home remedies for chronic chapped lips or severe chapped lips;

  • Lip exfoliation to remove peeling skin
  • Apply honey as an antibacterial and a moisturizer
  • Drink lots of fluids, mostly water
  • Rose petal and milk remedy
  • Castor oil treatment for dry and cracking lips
  • Cucumber juice
  • Aloe vera gel
  • High fat content milk

There are many more home remedies that you can use to heal severe dry and peeling lips. See more of the above fresh new ideas on how to cure your lips at home.

Chronic Chapped Lips in Children

In kids, the causes may be a bit different. Most newborns may suffer from dry, shrinking and chapping lips because of licking lips, some underlying diseases, medications they are currently taking, exposure to the sun and many more. See more on newborn chapped lips.

When remedies and cures such as hydration, breastfeeding and even applying Vaseline do not work such that the severity keeps increasing or the problem recurring, ensure you see a doctor or a pediatrician who will prescribe the best cure for dry and peeling lips.

Some doctors have shown that severe chapped skin around the mouth is caused by a dental problem. Problems such as tooth cavities cause chronic chapped peeling lips, and can be removed only when the cavity problem is eliminated or treated. Also, if you are using a certain toothpaste that is affecting your lips, ensure that you change it and observe your lips for a certain period of time first.

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  1. My lips are chapped all year round, I drink nearly 4 liters of water daily , lots of juices and some milk. Night moisturizer and cold creams containing mineral oil and aloe are helpful, but only temporarily. I’ve been told that neosporin ointment should help. We shall see..

    • Hi Harmony,
      Thanks for your contribution on severely chapped lips. Keep them moisturized, and keep on fighting it. Perhaps you should also see your dermatologist to see if there could be a problem that needs to be addressed. I recently received a testimony from one of my readers saying that she had chronic chapped lips that she learned were caused by cavities. When she had the dental problems solved, the severely chapped lips got healed too!
      I wish you all the best.

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