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Dark Upper Lip & How to Get Rid of Dark Shadow on Upper Lip

Dark skin on upper lip may be a result of waxing or exposure to the sun. Some women experience dark upper lip during pregnancy and after pregnancy. If you have this problem, learning how to lighten dark skin on upper lip can be helpful to get rid of the dark shadow on upper lip. In this article, we will answer and cover the following:

  • What causes dark upper lip?
  • What is dark skin on upper lip that looks like a moustache?
  • How to cover dark upper lip
  • How to conceal dark upper lip
  • What is the best way to lighten dark upper lip pigmentation?
  • How to treat dark upper lips.

Dark patches on upper lip can be very stubborn. If you have them, you could be suffering from melasma especially if the symptoms include a dark pigment on upper lip. Dark pigmentations above the lip could be a discoloration that is commonly referred to as skin discoloration. However, the lady moustache may be because of an underlying health problem. Let’s see what causes dark upper lip.

What Causes Dark Upper Lip?

Sun Exposure: For dark pigment on the upper lip, the cause could be simple. Have you been spending a lot of time in the sun without sunscreen? Well, one of the causes of dark upper lips is sun exposure. The skin around the lips is soft and sensitive, so when you expose it to the UV sun rays, more melanin pigments are produced, which leave you with dark or brown spots and patches on the upper lip.

Waxing Upper Lip: A dark line on upper lip may be caused by waxing the skin on the upper lip. As you remove the hair harshly, you may cause a dark spot or line of discoloration on that point of the lip. It is also known that harsh dermabrasion treatment on the upper lip skin may cause a dark shadow on upper lip.

Dark Upper Lip – Causes of Dark Skin on Upper Lip Shadow, Line, Pigment, Treat
Upper lip appearing darker than the lower lip.

Other causes of dark upper lip include the following:

  • Hormone imbalances in women especially after taking pills
  • Pregnancy may also come as a cause of dark skin on upper lip
  • Allergic reactions to some makeups or cosmetics and medications
  • Upper lip threading

There are various manifestations of a darkening skin on the upper lip. Let’s look at each of them, including dark shadow on upper lip, dark line on upper lip and discoloration or dark pigment on upper lip.

How to Get Rid of Dark Upper Lip Skin

Best creams that you can use to fade dark spots and dark skin on your upper lip include the following:

To get rid of dark of dark skin on upper lip, you can choose to use natural home remedies or go for treatments over the counter. A dermatologist can also help. If the cause of the problem is melasma, seek melasma treatment. On how to get rid of dark upper lip skin, I always recommend applying sunscreen all the time you go into the sun. This will prevent further darkening of the area around your upper lip.

Buy a lip cream that has SPF 15 and above. SPF 30 would be the best to protect you from the UV sunrays. You can get rid of dark pigmentation on upper lip using the home remedies provided above as well. However, what about how to cover dark upper lip? Is it possible? Well, you can conceal or cover dark skin on upper lip using foundation, primer or other such makeups. Another way is to lighten the dark skin on upper lip. See below for more.

Dark Skin on Upper Lip

There is a difference between the dark upper lip and dark skin on upper lip. Mostly, women who are pregnant or those taking birth control pills may see the skin above the upper lip having some spots, dark marks or patches that may appear as a moustache. The causes of dark skin on upper lip are more the same as the causes discussed above. However, hair removal methods can really contribute to the problem of dark skin on the upper lip. Sun exposure is also a common culprit that causes pigmentation and discoloration on the sides of the lips and above the lip. Therefore, if you love sunbathing, ensure that you use a sun protection method. Wear a cap or go for sunscreen cream.

  • How to Get Rid of Dark Skin on Upper Lip: Other than seeing a dermatologist, you could use some home remedies for dark skin on upper lip to remove the dark marks and lines. One of the best home remedies is using lemon juice to lighten the skin. Another best solution is to use a good skin lightening cream. But What is the best skin lightening cream for upper lip? Meladerm skin lightening cream is one of the best there is.

Dark Shadow on Upper Lip

A dark shadown on upper lip is a reference that is used to mean a lady mustache. It appears as a clock shadow on the upper lip, and you may look like you have grown hair on the skin above the lip. Although you can learn how to conceal dark upper lip shadow, it is important that you find a way on how to get rid of dark skin on upper lip in order to avoid those embarrassing moments.

  • How to Get Rid of Dark Shadow on Upper Lip: I recommend that you use a skin lightening cream like the one listed above. You could also use a good skin lightening soap every time you cleanse the skin above the lip.

Dark Pigment on Upper Lip

Dark pigmentation upper lip is commonly caused by excessive use of tanning booths. Women who stay in the booth for long of many times may get pigmentation marks that will make the upper lip look dark. Avoiding that tanning booth for some time can help you prevent dark shadow on upper lip. Yet another cause of skin discoloration on upper lip is too much sun exposure. As we have seen above, going into the sun without applying a good skin cream with SPF can lead to dark spots on the upper lip. After some time, a dark shadow above the lip may be evident due to the dark pigment.

  • How to Get Rid of Dark Pigment on Upper Lip: If the problem is dark spots on the upper lip, you could use the best concealer or lip primer to hide the pigment spots as you treat them. See dark upper lip treatment below. Apply a fading cream in order to remove the black patches.

Dark Line on Upper Lip

You could be looking for a way on how to get rid of dark skin above lip. A dark line on upper lip may be caused by your epilation methods. If you are used to waxing your face or threading the upper lip, you are likely to end up with a dark line on upper lip. One of the best ways on how to lighten dark skin on the upper lip is to use some of the best skin lightening creams. Avoid sunbathing or that tanning bed if the dark line on your upper lip is becoming more visible everyday. You could also use concealers to hide or cover dark upper lip line.

  • How to Get Rid of Dark Line on Upper Lip: Are you using harsh hair removal methods such as excessive waxing? It is time to stop and use more gentle hair removal methods that may not use force. Hair removal creams can actually help here.

Dark Upper Lip Treatment

Dark Skin on Upper Lip
Darker skin above the top lip.

A dermatologist will help with dark upper lip skin treatment. But what is the best dark upper lip treatment? Your dermatologist may recommend some simple treatments and ways to get rid of dark upper lip fast, which may include waxing the hair on the upper lip skin rather than just shaving it bluntly. However, a good treatment can also be prescribed.

Best Dark Upper Lip Treatment: Prescription skin bleaching or skin lightening creams and ointments are the best treatments. Since the concern is How to lighten dark upper lip skin, it is known that the best skin lighteners that contain azelaic acid, kojic acid and tretinoin are likely to be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Other treatments may include microdermabrasion and dermabrasion. These will help get rid of the dark shadow on the upper lip by exfoliating the skin above the lip. Laser dark upper lip treatment can also be applied. The cost of laser dark spot treatment may however be high.

Home Remedies for Dark Upper Lip

Home remedies for dark upper lip include the following:

  • Honey and lime juice for lightening dark upper lip skin
  • Carrot juice
  • Exfoliate your upper lip skin at home using a coffee sugar scrub. Be gentle.
  • Almond oil application
  • Avoid smoking as it causes dark upper lip
  • Reduce coffee and tea intake

You may try other home remedies for dark spots and patches as well.

How to Lighten Dark Skin on Upper Lip

Make a face mask to lighten dark skin on upper lip. You can make a face mask from gram flour, turmeric, lemon juice drops and milk cream. Mix these ingredients and apply on your face. Leave the mask on the skin above the lip to dry then rinse it off using water. This will bleach dark upper lip skin. Another way on how to lighten dark skin on the upper lip is to use skin lightening soaps or skin lightening creams. However, if the dark pigmentations and skin spreads over to the lips, use cucumber juice, lime and lemon juice to lighten dark upper lip naturally.

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