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Can I Workout 12 Hours After Laser Hair Removal

Have you ever gone to a laser hair removal specialist and wondered, “Is it safe to work out 12 hours after laser hair removal?” For many of us, working out is an essential part of our lives and something we do every day. But how often do we think about how exercise affects our skin? Because let’s face it — our workout regimen can hurt us in more ways than one.

Can I Workout 12 Hours After Laser Hair Removal?

  1. It is possible to workout 12 hours after laser hair removal. However, there are some important things you need to keep in mind if you want to avoid any complications and injuries.
  2. The skin has healing properties, but it takes time for the skin to recover from any damage. In the case of laser hair removal, the process involves heat being emitted from a device which will damage the hair follicles and prevent them from producing new hair for a period of time.
  3. This means that there will be some redness and swelling on the area, which will take at least a few days to subside completely. If you start exercising immediately after having this procedure done, then it can lead to complications such as infections and burns on your skin.
  4. The best way forward is to wait till the swelling subsides completely before starting any kind of exercise program.

The Science Behind Why You Need to Wait 24 Hours After Laser Hair Removal

The reason why you need to wait 24 hours after laser hair removal before exercising isn’t because exercise causes side effects such as infections or burns. Rather, it’s because the body needs time to heal after undergoing any invasive procedure, including laser hair removal. The healing process may take longer in some areas than others, which is why it can be difficult to give one blanket recommendation for when it’s safe to resume exercising after laser hair removal.

Aftercare for Your Skin Post-Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a great way to remove unwanted hair. It can be used for many different areas of the body, including legs and armpits. However, you need to know what to expect after laser hair removal so that you can properly care for your skin.

Aftercare Tips for Your Skin

You should follow these tips after your laser hair removal treatment:

  1. Do not use any exfoliating products on your skin for at least two weeks after the procedure. Exfoliating products will irritate your skin and cause it to peel excessively. If you use an exfoliating product before the two-week mark, then you may have redness or swelling on your skin afterwards.
  2. Use a gentle cleanser on your skin instead of soap or harsh acne treatment products after laser hair removal treatment. The cleanser should contain lactic acid or glycolic acid, which will help exfoliate dead skin cells without causing any irritation to your skin’s surface.
  3. Ideally, you should use this cleanser every day until all traces of redness have disappeared from your skin’s surface (usually around five days). Then you can use it every other day until all redness has disappeared completely (usually around eight days).

What to do after laser hair removal treatment

Laser hair removal is a permanent solution to your unwanted hairs. However, it is not a pain-free procedure. There will be some discomfort during the treatment, but if you take care of yourself after the procedure, it will be much easier for you.

The skin needs time to heal and regenerate after laser hair removal. You should follow these tips so that you can recover quickly from the procedure:

·        Wait 12 hours before working out:

The skin may feel tender and sore after laser hair removal treatment and working out too soon may cause further damage to the skin. In addition, working out can increase your body temperature which can irritate your skin. So wait 12 hours before doing any form of exercise after laser hair removal treatment.

·        Keep your skin cool:

It is important to keep your skin cool after laser hair removal treatment as this will help reduce swelling, redness and pain. You can take an ice pack or cold compress and place it on top of the affected area until there is no more redness or swelling left over from the treatment (usually within 24 hours). You may also use an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory cream such as aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve pain and swelling following laser hair removal treatment if needed.

Wear comfortable clothing to your appointment.

  • There are no special considerations before or after laser hair removal. The most important thing is to be sure that you are in good health, as with any other medical procedure.
  • Wear comfortable clothing to your appointment, and avoid anything with zippers or buttons that could snag on the skin or hair.
  • After your treatment, you may experience some temporary redness, swelling and bruising at the treatment area, but these symptoms will typically subside within a few days to a week.
  • It’s best not to exercise right after treatment because sweating can irritate your skin and cause swelling. However, there are no restrictions on when you can exercise following laser hair removal treatment.

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