What home remedies for bags under eyes work? Tea bags natural remedy, cucumber slices, cold compresses for puffy eyes, cold spoon treatment and potato slices are some of the best natural home remedies for eye bags discussed below. Here’s how to prevent and get rid of bags under eyes fast with these at-home treatments.
Starting from your own cupboard, now you can get rid of under eye bags very easily. The dreaded three words, “You look tired…” can be very annoying. You really want to have eyes that are bright and looking very alert. Sometimes commercial cosmetic creams can really help with treating under eye bags, dark circles, puffy eyes but what exactly should a person do if they want to treat eye bags at no cost and at home? The answer is home remedies for under eye bags. Do home remedies for under eye bags work? How can I get rid of under eye bags fast?
Best Home Remedies for Bags Under Eyes – Natural Cures
What is the best natural home remedy for bags under eyes? From cold spoons to cucumber slices, potato slices to using tea bags on eyes at home, these home remedies for bags under eyes will help you treat and get rid of under eye puffiness.
All of these natural treatments and home remedies for bags under eyes are also used for treating puffy eyes as well. There is a different between the two. However, you might experience quick results with the home remedies for under eye bags when you have puffy eyes and not under eye bags. So, find out whether you have puffy eyes or under eye bags to set your level of patience with the natural remedies for them. Here are the natural remedies for under eye bags.
- Puffy eyes are easier to treat because most of the times they are temporary.
- If you have puffy eyes from crying, there is no need to treat them, unless you want to get rid of swollen, puffed up eyes fast. Mostly, they clear on their own.
Tea Bags Remedy for Bags Under Eyes
Want to know how to use tea bags for eye bags and puffy eyes? Discovery Health points out that using cold tea bags can get rid of under eye bags as well as puffy eyes. Soaked green tea bags are also used for treating dark circles at home.
So, which tea to go with, green tea or black tea? Well, both are good home remedies for under eye bags and will work well to soothe irritated puffy eyes. Caffeinated teas will help constrict blood vessels and reduce the swelling. However, if you have under eye wrinkles, it is not a good idea to apply caffeinated tea. Here’s how to use tea bags to get rid of eye bags:
- Dip 2 tea bags of your choice in hot water and allow about 2 to 3 minutes.
- Let them cool to comfortable-warm
- Lie down with closed eyes – relax (very important)
- Place the damp tea bags over your closed eyes and cover with a soft cloth
- Rest with them for about 10 t 15 minutes
Cold Spoons for Puffy Eyes and Bags Remedy
Do cold spoons help eye bags and puffiness? Cold spoons can help soothe swollen under eyes easily. Use cold spoons home remedy for under eye bags and puffy eyes by simply applying them on your swollen eyes to calm them. It is surprisingly effective in helping the eyes reduce to normal proportions. Teaspoon-size spoons are the best for this at-home treatment. Here’s how to use cold spoons eye bag remedy.
- Place 6 spoons in a refrigerator
- Lie down and close your eyes
- Take two cold spoons at a time and place each of them (curved side down) on each eye
- When the spoons warm, replace them with another set of cold spoons.
- Cold spoons will help tighten up your eye muscles and get rid of puffy eyes and bags.
Egg Whites Eye Bags, Puffy Eyes & Dark Circles Remedy
Egg whites can get rid wrinkles (fine lines) on face fast. That is not all. Make an egg white mask for puffy eyes and eye bags to treat them at home. Make a soufflé for the face. Here’s how to use egg whites as one of those home remedies for bags under eyes. Consider it an egg white eye lift.
- Whip up 2 egg whites until stiff and then apply them underneath the puffy eyelids.
- You can use a soft cloth or brush to apply them on the loose skin under your eyes.
- How long do you leave an egg white mask on? Well, allow to stay on the skin for about 15 minutes, and then wash with clean water.
- This will help the skin become tighter and not like the puff pastry they are.
Cucumber for Eye Bags and Puffy Under Eyes
Do cucumbers for puffy eyes work? What does cucumbers on the eyes do? Is cucumber good for eye bags? Cucumber slices are the most natural way to get rid of puffy eyes. Why are cucumbers the best for eyes? They have astringent properties that will cause the blood vessels to constrict. Here’s how to use cucumber remedy for bags under eyes.
- Cut a cucumber into thin slices.
- Put the slices in the refrigerator for some time.
- When ready to use them to treat puffy eyes, under eye bags or dark eye circles, lie down on your back and close your eyes. Ensure you relax eyes enough because this will be very important.
- Place a slice on each eye and rest with them for about 10 minutes to cure the puffy eyes and bags under eyes at home.
Potato Slices on Eyes Remedy for Bags Under Eyes
Putting potato slices on eyes can get rid of dark circles and also help with under eye bags. Like cucumbers, potatoes are used as some of the most preferred home remedies for bags under eyes, puffy eyes and dark eye circles.
Potato tubers have been tried in European medicine and are widely used to cure headaches, painful joints and many other inflammatory conditions. Puffy eyes and dark eye circles can occur as a result of irritation. You can get rid of under eye bags using potato slices because they have anti-inflammatory agents. Instructions for using potato slices home remedy for eye bags are the same as those of cucumber slices.
Lemon Slices Get Rid of Eye Bags and Eye Wrinkles
Lemons, cucumbers and potatoes are not only home remedies for under eye bags but also natural remedies for puffy eyes and dark eye circles. Slice two pieces of lemon and place them on the eye bags. Ensure that you do not squeeze your eyes.
Keep them relaxed, but careful not to open them. Keep the thin lemon slices over your eyes for about 10 to 20 minutes in order to treat under eye bags. Rinse off with cold water. You can also soak cucumbers in lemon juice and use them in the same way. This will also help tighten any loose skin under eyes, or remove eye wrinkles.
Eye Massage for Under Eye Bags
How do you do an eye massage to get rid of bags under eyes? You do not need any resources with such home remedies for under eye bags. All you need to know is a few eye massage techniques to cure eye bags. Massaging your eyes will help improve lymphatic drainage and prevent the accumulation of fluid that causes under eye bags. In other words, it can not only relieve bags but also prevent them.
- Gently sweep your ring fingers around the eye sockets.
- Pause in order to press the outer and inner corners of the eyebrow.
- Do this twice a day in order to improve circulation around the eye and help cure under eye bags.
- You can use the best eye cream for this activity. It will help increase the results you are looking for.
This method is not fast enough, but if you want to know how to reduce under eye bags, then this is it. Try it and you will see those puffy eyes reduce fast.
Vitamin E Remedy for Under Eye Bags Removal At Home
Vitamin E capsules are sold in drug stores. They contain oil enclosed in the capsule. This can be used as a topical home remedy for under eye bags, wrinkles and circles. Use a pin to pierce the capsule, then dab a small amount of Vitamin E oil on your fingertip. Apply it topically on the eye bags. It is commonly used as one of the home remedies for under eye bags and dark eye circles too.
Raise Your Head While Sleeping
While sleeping is one of the best home remedies for under eye bags, knowing how to sleep well to get rid of eye bags is an art. Mayo Clinic recommends that you sleep with your head raised slightly off the mattress to prevent the formation of under eye bags. Use an extra pillow or find a way of elevating your head off the mattress a few inches.
Cold Compresses for Eye Bags & Puffy Eyes Home Treatment
Cold compresses can be made at home in a few simple steps. Cool water and a clean washcloth can easily make home remedies for under eye bags. Apply a damp washcloth to the skin around your eyes, paying special attention to the eye bags. Use mild pressure with cold compresses and keep them there for a couple of minutes.
Milk-Dampened Cotton Wool If you are wondering how milk can qualify as one of the home remedies for eye bags, then you should know that it contains lactic acid that can be used to tone eye muscles. Dampen cotton wool in milk and use them as eye pads while keeping your eyes closed but relaxed. It will help treat the under eye bags quickly.
Other natural home Remedies for bags under eyes include the following:
- Hemorrhoid cream is a popular home remedy for eye bags.
- Drinking enough water will never harm your body. Use it as a home remedy for eye bags.
- Rose-water dampened used as eye pads will help as remedies for under eye bags.
Tips to Get Rid of Eye Bags at Home Fast & Home Remedies for Puffy Eyes
Try as much as possible to work on preventing the eye bags. You can easily do this by getting adequate sleep everyday, using some of the home remedies for under eye bags provided above, especially relaxation techniques for eyes. It will go a long way in helping your eyes remain vibrant and muscles around them well toned.
In case of any underlying cause, such as the diseases mentioned in the causes of eye bags, ensure that you see a doctor first. These home remedies for bags under eyes, however good, may not be able to eliminate underlying diseases.
Once you learn how to do the natural home remedies for under eye bags on your own, do them consistently because they will help prevent the occurrence of dark eye circles and wrinkles too.
Get plenty of sleep. It is the simplest of the home remedies for under eye bags and puffy eyes.
Ensure that you avoid allergens. They are known to cause puffy eyes and development of eye bags. Mayo Clinic recommends reducing allergy symptoms as a way on how to get rid of bags under eyes. Over the counter prescriptions can help with this.
It’s simple, if you give up too soon, you might not see the results of using these best at-home treatments. In case you think there is another cause, do not hesitate to see a doctor for further advice. In addition, if the home remedies for bags under eyes don’t work and the eye bags are caused by ageing, you might want to try other eye bag treatments such as those listed below.
Other Treatments for Eye Bags
Other than these home remedies for bags under eyes, you can find other treatments on the market today to help you get rid of the puffy eyes. These can start from injectables to laser surgery to remove under eye bags.
Surgery for Under Eye Bags – This is one of the widely used methods of treating eye bags. With eye surgery, also called blepharoplasty, incisions will be made in the crease just above and below the eye lids so that the excess fat and muscle mass can be removed to get rid of the eye bags. The surgical procedure may be quite expensive but can help banish the eye bags for a longer time. See the link above to read more on eye lift or eye bag surgery.
Eye Creams – People use eye creams for various reasons. One of the major reasons is to get rid of under eye bags. You can use eye creams for eye bags, though you can combine these with some of the best home remedies for under eye bags in order to see results faster. Eye creams can also help in getting rid of eye wrinkles, crow’s feet and dark eye circles too. Read more on the best eye creams for treating puffy eyes and dark eye circles.
Recap on Causes of Bags Under Eyes
Any success story in getting rid of under eye bags starts here – knowing the causes first. You could be working hard to get rid of puffy eyes that are very annoying, yet the answer could be very simple – just getting a little more sleep. So, do not just jump onto the home remedies for under eye bags before knowing the following causes of eye bags.
Hereditary factors could cause under eye bags in some people. Note that the home remedies for under eye bags caused by hereditary factors will be different from those caused by other factors.
- Retention of fluid under the eyes
- Fatigue or tiredness – which can easily be gotten rid of using home remedies for eye bags
- Poor sleeping habits also cause under eye bags
- Aging is a major cause of eye bags and sometimes home remedies for under eye bags may not be very effective here
- Iron deficiency in the body, which can easily be gotten rid of by most of the home remedies for under eye bags discussed below
- Nicotine or smoking can also cause eye bags
Chagas disease, hypothyroidism, mononucleosis, periorbital cellulitis and trichinosis have all been identified a culprit. Home remedies for bags under eyes may not help to get rid of eye bags when these are the causes.
Hormonal changes in the body, especially in women during menstruation may also cause eye bags. Practicing some of the simple natural home remedies for under eye bags discussed below can get rid of the eye bags. See more causes of bags under eyes.
You can now begin your journey with the home remedies for under eye bags. As stated in the introduction, ensure that you find out the cause of the puffy eyes and eye bags first before trying anything.
Sometimes, it is important to see a doctor for advice first. It will go a long way in preventing any side effects or consequences of using home remedies for under eye bags that may irritate your eyes even further and cause worse swelling.
Further Suggestions by the Author
- Best Dark Eye Circles Creams Reviews – Getting Rid of Under Eye Circles
- Home Remedies for Dark Eye Circles – How to Get Rid of Dark under Eye Circles Naturally and Fast
- How to Get Rid of Under Eye Bags – Puffy Eyes Treatment Tips
- What are Dark Circles Under Eyes? 14 Causes, Treatment and Tips to Get Rid of Eye Circles
- Causes of Under Eye Bags – What Causes Puffy Under Eyes?
- Under Eye Bags Surgery – All about Eye Bag Removal Surgery or Blepharoplasty
- How to Get Rid of Dark Eye Circles – Tips, Treatments, Natural Remedies
Also Read on:
- Under Eye Wrinkles – Causes, Prevention, Treatments and Creams to Get Rid of Eye Wrinkles
- Under Eye Bags Surgery – All about Eye Bag Removal Surgery or Blepharoplasty
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