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How to Bring America’s Pipes to Suit Present Day Need

Throughout America’s history, water pipe systems have always been there to keep the country’s water running. Back in the 1820’s, we heavily relied upon steel pipes to get the job done. Unfortunately, in the past decades, these steel pipes haven’t been able to keep up with the American workload for water.

At present, America sees 6 billion gallons of wasted per day, which equates to over 9,000 swimming pools worth. A lot of this waste can be traced to the infrastructural level. For most of America’s pipes, we are 75 years into the pipes’ 50-year lifespan. This is because only around 0.5% of the 2.2 million miles of American pipes gets replaced each year. This means it will take around 200 years to completely replace America’s pipes.

Fortunately, the Federal Government pledged $5.8 billion to update water infrastructure. But, in order to keep America’s water mains up to date, we need proactivity not reactivity. Fortunately, Hobas’s Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer Mortar (FRPM) provides much needed longevity of 150+ years. On top of that, they can be easily substituted into the existing water mains, making them the perfect option for keeping the U.S. piping system up to date. Ultimately, for both efficiency and longevity, FRPM pipes make the most sense across the U.S.

The Water Fiberglass Pipe – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

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