Whether you are an elite professional athlete or playing for your high school team, you always want to perform your best. Otherwise, there is a chance that you’ll lose your spot on the team and the perks that go with it that you have worked so hard to acquire. Fortunately, there are ways to preserve your mental health while you pursue greatness.
It’s Just a Game
Maybe the easiest way to keep your sanity is to realize that you are just playing a game. If you have a bad day, no one is going to die, lose their homes or suffer in any meaningful way. Even if you get benched or cut, there are likely other teams that you can play for as you work out whatever is ailing you.
You Won’t Play Forever
Sports is something that you have likely done since you were a small child. Therefore, it may feel like being good at baseball, gymnastics or other athletic endeavors is the thing that defines you as a person. However, the truth is that you aren’t going to compete forever. Therefore, it’s better to enjoy where you are than to fret about the end result. By enjoying the moment, you’ll feel less pressure and have an easier time doing your best.
Block Out the Opinions of Others
There are always going to be people who think that they can do your job better than you. This is true whether you’re an athlete, doctor or lawyer. In today’s social media world, people feel freer than ever to take shots at others whether they are warranted or not. You can also expect opposing fans to boo, hiss or otherwise jeer you, which is part of their job as fans of their team. Ultimately, your job is to silence them by simply working hard and showing up. The longer you show that you aren’t going away, the harder it will be for others to hate you.
Rely on Your Preparation
A great way to reduce your nerves is to adequately prepare your mind and body ahead of time. Ideally, you’ll practice a given shot, throw or artistic skill until your mind and body simply know what to do without thinking about it. By the time you’re called upon to deliver in a pressure situation, it won’t feel any different than trying to deliver at the beginning of the game.
Mentally, you can try to meditate, listen to music or eat a certain food before a big event. This will help to create a sense of calm that will hopefully carry over into the big game or event that you’re participating in.
As an athlete, mental toughness is just as important as physical toughness. In the moment, there is little you can do except believe in yourself and block out everything that doesn’t matter to your performance. However, you can help yourself do well in those moments through constant preparation so that you learn how to perform almost on autopilot when it counts most.