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Summer Maintenance Tips for Motorcycle Safety

Summer’s here, and motorcycle riders are itching to feel the wind on their faces. The call of warm weather and beautiful routes is hard to resist. However, safety needs to come first. Hopping on a bike isn’t without its dangers. But don’t let that stop you from having an awesome time. With the right gear and some smart habits, you’ll be cruising worry-free in no time.

Tips for Remaining Safe While Riding Your Motorcycle This Summer

1. Protective Gear

A Department of Transportation-approved helmet is non-negotiable every time you hit the road. It’s your first line of defense in protecting your head and brain. Additionally, invest in high-quality protective jackets, pants, gloves, and boots made with tough, abrasion-resistant materials. They usually act as a critical layer of protection that can significantly reduce injuries if things go sideways.

2. Pre-Season Maintenance

Your mechanic needs to go over everything: fluids, tires, brakes, and the engine. And if you’re bike has a chain drive, that needs a once-over too. It’s tempting to skip the boring stuff and just get out there. However, a little TLC now saves a world of hurt later.

3. Road Ready

Before you start your engine, map out your route. Stick to familiar, well-maintained roads where you can. Once you’re moving, play it safe – watch your speed and give other vehicles plenty of space. Also, ensure you don’t ride under the influence. Your judgment’s your best safety gear out there, so keep it sharp.

Types of Injuries Sustained in Motorcycle Accidents

1. Road Rash

This happens when you go down and slide across a hard surface like pavement or tarmac. Nonetheless, you can protect yourself by gearing up every time you ride. It’s not always comfortable, especially when it’s hot out. But it’s worth it as good protective gear can save your life.

2. Fracture

In a crash, your bones can snap in all sorts of places. The pain hits you hard and fast. Then comes the swelling and bruising. If you think you’ve got a fracture, don’t tough it out. Get yourself to a doctor, pronto.

3. Internal Injuries

This is serious damage you can’t see from the outside. It happens when your body takes a big hit – maybe you get slammed into or thrown off your bike. You might not realize how bad it is right away. Your insides could be messed up, but you might look fine on the outside. That’s why you have to pay attention to how you’re feeling.

What to Do If You Are Injured While Riding Your Motorcycle

First things first – check yourself out. Move carefully if you can, while also looking for injuries. And if someone else is involved, they need checking too. Next up, grab your phone and dial for help. When you’re talking to dispatch, keep it together. Tell them exactly where you are and give them the rundown. Don’t leave anything important out.
Prepping for your ride isn’t just a chore – it’s setting the stage for some incredible experiences. Think of it as the foundation for all those amazing memories you’re about to create. Every safety check, every piece of gear, every moment of awareness – it’s all part of creating those perfect summer riding memories. So gear up, get your head in the game, and hit the road with confidence and you’ll be avoiding motorcycle accidents and having a great time!

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