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How to Stop Dandruff Naturally, Fast & for Good

If you have been wondering how to stop dandruff naturally or how to stop dandruff fast overnight, this post is perfect for you. You will also get to learn how to stop beard dandruff, how to stop dandruff flakes and most importantly, how to stop dandruff for good.

There are many dandruff symptoms that one wishes could disappear along with the flakes that come with it. Irrespective of whether one is suffering from scalp dandruff or beard dandruff, there is a longing to put it to a stop forever. This post gives you ways through which you can get rid of existing dandruff and how to keep off it thereafter. Read on to find out how.

How to Stop Dandruff Fast Overnight using Home remedies
Stop Dandruff using Lemon and other Home Remedies

How to Stop Dandruff Naturally

While there are very many natural dandruff treatments, some natural home remedies for dandruff remain under-exploited. Below are some of the natural dandruff solutions that you may be ignoring yet they are quite effective and can be found right in your kitchen.

Curd and lemon: To a cupful of curd, add five teaspoons of freshly extracted lemon juice. Apply this onto scalp and leave it in for 20 minutes. Rinse it off and practice this thrice a week

Hibiscus leaves paste: Grind a handful of fresh hibiscus leaves and apply the paste formed on your scalp. Wash it off after half an hour. This also helps in bettering the hair texture.

Green grams powder: Mix a paste of green grams powder with yoghurt and apply it on the scalp. Wash it off after 20 minutes.

Beetroot: Mix some beetroot juice, garlic juice and vinegar in a bowl. Use this on your hair at least twice a week to reduce dandruff.

Tulsi and amla: Use water to make a paste from tulsi and amla powder. Add in some yoghurt and apply it on hair. Leave it in until it dries on the hair before washing it out.

There are limitless ways to stop dandruff. Most of these only require consistent use and patience for the dandruff to clear within no time.

How to Stop Beard Dandruff

Beard dandruff can be annoyingly itchy. While it is possible to easily remove dead skin cells from the rest of the face in regular daily cleansing procedures, dead skin cells could get stuck on the beard. This may lead to painful hair ingrowths. It is therefore important to learn how to stop beard dandruff to save yourself from the agony.

To start with, one should use a facial scrub at least twice a week. This will help to get rid of the buildup dead skin cells. As a result, the flakes will be no more and the hair follicles will be unclogged to release the ingrown hairs.

The skin beneath the beard should be hydrated using a non-sticky moisturizer or beard conditioner twice a day. Massage it in gently to enhance deep penetration. This helps to keep the beard always hydrated and thus keep dandruff away.

Dandruff shampoos can also be used to stop beard dandruff. Just massage some amount on the beard and let it rest for three minutes. Rinse thoroughly to get rid of the residue.

How to Stop Dandruff Fast Overnight

At times, dandruff could strike at the worst time. This could be when we are looking forward to a great appointment or when there is a significant occasion around the corner. This should not worry you so much because you are just about to discover how to stop dandruff fast. This method can also be used by people seeking information on how to stop dandruff overnight. Follow the procedure given below.

How to Stop Dandruff Naturally using Hibiscus Leaves Paste
Hibiscus leaves paste stops dandruff

  • With the help of a mirror, pinpoint the exact part on which the dandruff is.
  • Sprinkle some dry shampoo on the area. Where none is available, cornstarch or baby powder may be used. Use a small amount only as too much could leave the hair with a white tone.
  • While focusing on the flakes, drag a fine toothed comb over the scalp and through the hair. The dry shampoo makes the flakes smooth enough to slip through the hair with ease. With each comb, rinse the comb to get rid of loose flakes. Do this until all visible dandruff is gone.
  • To stop further flakes, coat your fingertips with your favorite essential oil and dab it sparingly on the scalp. Too much of it will leave your hair too greasy.
  • In case you were looking for a fast relief, leave your hair at that and keep hands off it as much as you can as scratching will dislodge the now loosened flakes. Wash your hair at the end of the day. In case you were looking out on how to stop dandruff overnight, cover your head with a shower cap and sleep in it. Wash hair in the morning.

How to Stop Dandruff for Good

The moment a person gets a dandruff condition and successfully manages to reduce and finally eliminate it, it is important to put into place measures that will ensure it doesn’t recur. Below are tips on how to stop dandruff for good. If well adhered to, there will be a very low chance of getting dandruff.

  • Brush your hair every day. This simple exercise helps to aid in shedding of dead skin cells which prevents a buildup. Also wash hair at least thrice in a weak to ensure there is no buildup.
  • Avoid using chemicals and harsh styling methods on your hair. These could irritate the scalp leading to a high rate of skin shedding. Keeping away from them will keep dandruff away.
  • To keep winter dandruff away, use a humidifier. It will help in adding up moisture in the air and thus the hair will not be too dry. Ensure that you keep them clean and change the water frequently to prevent mold and breeding of mosquitoes.
  • A dietary change may also be necessary to stop dandruff for good. Eat foods that are rich in zinc such as dairy products and cereals, omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon and walnuts, selenium and B vitamins. To beat dandruff caused by dry skin, drink a lot of water and take fruits.
  • It is also important to cut back on styling products where possible. Most of these accumulate at the roots of the hair and prevent proper shedding of dead skin cells.

How to Stop Dandruff Flakes

Dandruff tends to manifest itself in flakes which could be different in color. Depending on the type of dandruff that one has, it is also possible to have them large or small. Below is a procedure that will help on how to stop dandruff flakes.

  • To half a cup of water, add two tablespoons of white vinegar. Let it rest for 10 minutes before applying it on your scalp.
  • Leave the mixture in for at least 30 minutes so it can dry.
  • Rinse hair with warm water.

This method reduces the amount of oil on the scalp and also balances the pH on your scalp. These two aspects help on how to stop dandruff flakes from forming on your scalp.

See More on Natural Dandruff Cures:

Recommended: Getting Rid of Dandruff, Itchy Scalp & Best Dandruff Shampoo.

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