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5 Ways Oral Care Can Affect Your Health

Everyone has heard that you need to brush your teeth every day and floss, but many don’t truly understand the connection their oral health has to the rest of their body. Your teeth are very important to your overall health, and it’s vital that you know how to properly care for them.

If you’re in the dark on how bad oral care could affect your health, simply read on. Your dentist is responsible for proper repair of your teeth, but you are responsible for the daily care of your oral health.

Take a few moments to read through some insightful information on the different ways improper oral care can affect your health now.


When you don’t brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis, all that gook builds up around your teeth and gumline. When it is allowed to stay, you place yourself at risk of developing gingivitis.

Gingivitis causes your gums to bleed easily. You’ll also have trouble with hot or cold food/drink. Allowing gingivitis to progress is even more dangerous.

Periodontal disease

When gingivitis is allowed to continue its progression, you place yourself at risk of developing periodontal disease. Periodontal disease affects the whole mouth, causing problems with the jaw, gums, ligaments, and teeth.

People who suffer from periodontal disease may have pus filled inflammation between teeth or gums. There is also typically a pretty serious discomfort in the mouth related to the disease.

Cardiovascular disease

When you let gingivitis in your mouth go without treatment, you place yourself at risk for many other health complications.  The bacteria that thrive in a mouth with gingivitis can enter the bloodstream.

Once this occurs plaque can begin building up in your arteries.  Gingivitis and periodontal disease have also been linked to the development of atherosclerosis (or hardened arteries).

Diabetic complications

When your mouth is already challenged with periodontal disease, the inflammation can do a number on your body.  If you are diabetic, periodontal disease can be even more risky.

Your wounds won’t heal as well if you’re diabetic making it much harder to fight off infections.  Your gums are a direct line to your bloodstream too.  It’s vital to your long term well-being to take proper care of your teeth and gums.


In worst case scenarios, bad dental health can add to your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.  The bacteria originating in your gums can travel through the nerves in your body and cause chaos in your brain.

In conclusion, you can really give your body a better chance at remaining healthy by simply brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly.  Dentists recommend regular rinsing with mouthwash as well to kill off harmful germs/bacteria remaining in your mouth.

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