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7 Ways For Nurses To Stay Healthy

Nurses compromise their own needs to serve others, which often leads to anxiety and pressure at work. However, ignoring one’s health is not wise. Nursing stress is one of the most under-appreciated and devastating aspects of this profession, which causes disruptions in both personal and professional lives. 

Changing your routine is a simple way to get out of this situation. However, gaining perspective may be challenging initially, but once you stay focused on health, you’ll be able to achieve a healthy lifestyle. And over time, you will see that even the smallest changes significantly impact your mental and physical health.

1. Sleep on time

Odd hours and long shifts can take their toll on your health. Therefore, it’s imperative to get a good night’s sleep. It keeps improves your mental health and keeps your body in good shape.

Half-sleeping brains can rarely make a snap judgment at a critical hour–a skill crucial for nurses when dispensing medications and conducting patient assessments. Several scientific studies have proven that a lack of sleep negatively impacts metabolism, mental state, memory, and concentration.

The average adult needs 7-8 hours of good sleep per night. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you should change your schedule.

2. Find Work-life balance

Some nurses are passionate about advancing their careers, but a busy schedule prevents them from pursuing higher studies. After all, juggling both school and shifts is not a walk in the park. 

Fortunately, online courses now exist to help nurses achieve a healthy work-life balance and move up the career ladder. Once they have finished their bachelor’s, they can pursue a master’s and pick a specialty that appeals to them the most. If a nurse is interested in primary and specialty care in all age groups, they can opt for FNP online programs emphasizing primary care and chronic disease management. In addition, these nurses will also be assisting physicians in disease management.

3. Take proper nutrition

Nurses who work in fast-paced environments often find themselves pressed for time.

As a result, they may find it difficult to maintain healthy eating habits due to work hours. The availability of food at work and a limited meal break schedule force them to eat fast food high in fat, sodium, sugar, and preservatives. 

Keep in mind that your body is a machine, and it needs the right foods to function properly. Nutrient-rich diets offer numerous benefits, including enhancing your energy levels, maintaining a healthy weight, improving your body’s ability to fight illnesses, and lowering your blood pressure. 

Spend 10 minutes planning a healthy lunch and snack each week, and make sure to include the following:

  • Whole fruits – For maximum fiber benefits, consume whole fruits rather than juices. Eat three daily fruits, and replace those chocolate bars with apples and strawberries to satisfy sugar cravings.
  • Vegetables – Include a variety of colors and types of vegetables in your diet. 
  • Whole grains – Consume plenty of whole grains, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole grain cereals. A whole grain cereal, biscuit, bread, or pasta should make up at least half of your diet.

4. Stay hydrated 

A body needs plenty of water to function properly. It is recommended that you consume eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. 

According to the Institute of Medicine, females should consume nine cups of water daily, while males should consume 13 cups. Even though this number seems excessive, you can take these simple steps throughout your shift to increase your water intake. 

To make sure your body stays hydrated, follow these simple tips:

  • Buy a refillable water bottle and keep it nearby
  • Try seltzer or fruit juice to get a kick of flavor without sugar
  • Every morning, drink two glasses of plain water

5. Practice mindfulness

As a healthcare professional, mindfulness improves awareness, reduces distractions at work, enhances assessment abilities, and facilitates procedures. It also reduces the chances of clinical errors.

By listening and speaking more attentively, you can improve communication and improve clinical outcomes with patients and colleagues. As a result, you can provide better and more compassionate care to your patients.

The following steps will help you get started:

  • Choose a calm, quiet place and start with a 5 to 10-minute session.
  • Don’t worry about your seating position; cross-legged, seated, or kneeling are all fine. Just ensure you are comfortable with staying in that position for a while.
  • Take deep breaths and feel your breath as it goes out and comes in.
  • Observe the sensations in your entire body, from your feet to your head.
  • Eventually, your attention will wander away from the sensations of the breath. Upon noticing this, after a few seconds, a minute, or five minutes, turn your attention back to your breathing.

6. Ensure daily or weekly physical activity

Exercising regularly or weekly has numerous health benefits, including longer life, reduced disease risk, weight loss, and better sleep. If you don’t have time for exercise, try varying your routine.

Consider small changes, like taking the stairs instead of the lift, beginning an exercise routine in the morning, or getting involved in sports. There is no better way to exercise than through sport. Choose the one you enjoy; working out will be fun for you, and you will want to keep doing it.

Taking part in swimming is great for your health, as it uses every muscle in your body, making you feel relaxed and de-stressed at the same time. Just 30 minutes of swimming three times a week will boost your energy level by increasing your metabolism. 

Consider joining a gym if you are still looking for your favorite sport or are afraid of swimming. Gyms may be a more convenient way to fit exercise into your schedule. It is also possible to find a gym that offers a variety of classes that interest you, such as cycling or yoga.

7. Follow you hobbies and passions

It is not uncommon for nurses to have a hobby or an activity outside of nursing. Take some time every week or two to relax and do what you enjoy. These activities may include arts and crafts, writing, musical instruments, sports, or traveling.


Many nurses are on the front line of healthcare, so they must take good care of themselves. By adopting healthy living practices, nurses can also encourage patients to make healthy choices. Healthcare providers strive to improve the lives of their patients. As a nurse, you can do that even more effectively by taking the initiative and making healthy living a priority for yourselves, just as you do for your patients.

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