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Best Supplements for People with Food Allergies

Food Allergy Action Month is coming up in May, and if you think that this seems like a small issue that only affects a few people, think again. Around 32 million Americans suffer from a food allergy, so even if you don’t have an allergy yourself, chances are that someone close to you will be affected. 

Food allergies are not all the same. They can vary from mild irritation to life-threatening conditions. For people with serious life-threatening allergies, living with the condition requires careful handling and attention to detail. 

FAACT (Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team) provides some great information for living with a food allergy. 

They recommend that you learn as much as you can about your specific allergy and always plan for when things go wrong by simple measures. These include having emergency treatment at hand, such as an antihistamine or an epinephrine pen, as well as wearing a medical bracelet or necklace to alert first responders in the worst-case scenario. 

The bottom line for handling a food allergy successfully is to assume that nothing is safe, so you should always read product labels as well as discourage food sharing where you can’t guarantee that something doesn’t contain these dangerous ingredients. 

In addition, there is no need to avoid eating out but you do need to take precautions. Always ask the ingredients if you are ordering food from a restaurant or take out. Many food establishments change their recipes from time to time so just because something was safe last time, doesn’t automatically mean it is safe now. This means you should always approach eating out at even a favorite restaurant as if it was the first time as mistakes can happen and often do. 

There is no way to avoid an allergic reaction other than by avoiding the allergen, so it is crucially important to be vigilant. At first this can have a real impact on your life, but as you become more accustomed to taking care before you eat, it does become second nature and becomes easier with time.

If you suffer from a food allergy Designs For Health AllerGyzme may help. This enzyme supplement assists in the digestion of proteins including whey, gluten, dairy products, and soy so can help allergy sufferers manage the condition.

Designs For Health is a U.S. brand that specializes in probiotics and enzymes that can help reinforce gut health. AllerGyzme is designed for people with allergies so can help people suffering from many types of food sensitivity. 

However, If you believe that you or your children suffer from a food allergy, it is crucially important to have this checked out by a doctor before you turn to taking OTC supplements. Yes, they can help in some cases but you do need to know your allergy triggers before you agree to take anything! 

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