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How to Remove Facial Hair at Home Naturally and Permanently

This post explores the various methods there are on how to remove facial including how to remove facial hair naturally, how to remove facial hair at home, how to remove unwanted facial hair and how to remove facial hair permanently.

How to Remove Unwanted Facial Hair

There is a wide variety of options on how to remove unwanted facial hair. These include some home remedies and professional treatments. While some yield permanent result, others yield temporary results.

Shaving: This is a quick method that can be used at home. For this method to be flawless and to prevent bumps, ensure that you use the right tools. Contrary to what people believe, shaving does not cause hair to grow back thicker and coarser.

Waxing: This is another common method. One can do it at home or have it done in a spa. The cost depends on the part of the face being waxed. The process is painful but the results last for a few weeks.

Threading: This is an easy way especially for the brows and lips. The method is simple and easy to learn and also less painful. One only requires some cotton thread and the rest will be up to the hands to execute.

Tweezing: The process of tweezing involves pulling off unwanted hair using tweezers. Though cheap and effective, this method of removal is painful and time consuming especially during the initial session. It should be avoided on the sensitive areas of the face.

Epilators: An epilator is a device that gets rid of hair by pulling multiple hairs simultaneously. Most of these devices tend to be cheap, effective and cheaper than medical procedures. Just like in threading and tweezing, the initial session of using the device may be painful. This pain should go away with time.

Depilatories: This involves use of chemicals that melt the hair. The depilatories could come in the form of creams, lotions or serums. The method is cheap, easy to use and painless. Caution though should be used when using them. Some could cause skin irritation especially on people with sensitive skin. Try out a small patch when using a new depilatory to see if it has a negative effect. This will localize the risk.

Trimming: This is an easy removal method that can be done at home. It is most appropriate for the eyebrows. Trimming will make them appear thin and dark. The method is cheap.

How to Remove Facial Hair Naturally

At some point in your life you might find yourself with an influx of hair on your face that you may want to get rid of. There are many methods that can help in achieving this. While some of them are invasive and costly, there are those that are easy to use and affordable. These can be used at home on how to remove facial hair naturally.  Some of these are as discussed below.

Eggs:  The most important part of the egg when it comes to how to remove facial hair is the egg white. Get this from one egg and put it in a mixing bowl. Add a spoonful of granulated sugar and an equal amount of flour. Stir until a smooth paste is obtained, apply this on the area of the face that has unwanted hair and leave the mixture to dry on the skin. When completely dry, pull the mask off firmly. This may turn out to be a little painful but the amazing result is that it will come off with the hair.

Gram flour: This is an ingredient that has been used traditionally in making face packs. Mix equal portions of turmeric and gram flour in a bowl.  This mixture can then be used to get rid of facial hairs especially around the chin and mouth.  Apply it on locations where you want hair removed and give it time to dry. Wipe your face using a warm and dump piece of cloth.

Turmeric: This has anti-bacterial properties which helps keep infections off during the removal process. Put some turmeric in a vessel and add water until a fluid paste is formed. Apply this on the face and let it dry before wiping off.

How to Remove Facial Hair at Home

Hair removal at home helps us to make use of non-invasive methods. It is also cheap and easy. There are many ways on how to remove facial hair at home. These include:

Natural remedies: Natural facial hair removal remedies such as turmeric, sugar, honey and lemon juice are great. There are a number of natural hair removal recipes available for directions on the various ways through which one can use them.

Facial hair creams: For people who for some reason are time constrained and are looking for an easy way out, these creams provide a fast removal method. They are as simple to use as rubbing on the cream and wiping off the hair within a few minutes.

Hair removers: There are hair remover devices that are easy to use at home. These include springs that are specially designed to get rid of facial hairs. They employ the threading method but have the ability to get rid of many hairs at the same time.

How to Remove Facial Hair Permanently

For people who are not ready to undergo regular sessions of facial hair removal and are wondering how to remove facial hair permanently, there are a number of ways. Most of these methods require a medical professional to execute. The results are irreversible and one should consider if it really is what they want before going for it. Some of the most effective methods that can help remove facial hair permanently include:

Hormone treatment/oral contraceptive: This is most appropriate for women whose cause of facial hair is based on hormonal imbalance. Only a doctor can tell where this is the case. To cub the facial hair growth permanently, oral contraceptives may be administered to stop the hair growth.

Laser hair removal: This method gets rid of facial hair by use of light energy which when converted into heat energy destroys the root of the hair. There are different types of lasers and most of them favor people with dark hairs since their main target is melanin. There however are newer methods that can be used even on light colored hair though this may take more sessions than the dark ones.

Electrolysis: While using this method, an electrologist inserts a needle through the skin to the base of the hair follicle. Electric current is then used to damage the cell from which the hair is growing.  This gets rid of the hair permanently. The method is certified by FDA as permanent.

How to Remove Facial Hair on Women

When women get facial hairs, it might be embarrassing. If you are going through this and are wondering how to remove facial hair on women, there are a lot of convenient methods. Some of these are natural and can be used at home while others require an esthetician. How to remove facial hair for girls is something that one can learn through methods such as threading and waxing. Some methods are easy and one can perfect them within no time.


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