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First and Early Physical Signs of Pregnancy

What are the first and early physical signs of pregnancy? Just how early are the physical signs you are pregnant? A pregnancy is always such a great opportunity for one to bond with the unborn child. The early days may not be obvious to some women as they will only realize that they are pregnant the moment their periods fail to come.

For others, pregnancy is quite obvious and they will realize that they are even before missing their periods.  Since most of the early physical signs of pregnancy are similar to those experienced before getting periods, some people may fail to notice them or assume they are pre-menstrual signs.

It is therefore important for every woman to know what the early signs for pregnancy are. This will help take the best decisions regarding the unborn.

First and Early Physical Signs of Pregnancy
First and Early Physical Signs of Pregnancy – A pregnancy test can prove you are pregnant.

How Early are Physical Signs of Pregnancy?

Physical signs of pregnancy occur around a week after ovulation and fertilization. At around six to ten days, implantation bleeding can be seen. At around the same time, cramping and hot flashes can be felt too.

Every woman’s experience is different and some may experience signs of pregnancy either earlier or later than this.

Early Physical Signs of Pregnancy

The following is a list of the top early physical signs of pregnancy every woman should look out for. These will help you easily determine whether you have finally conceived or there is some more work to do.

Temperature changes: After ovulation has taken place, there is an increase in basal body temperature. This then goes back to normal to normal after two days if fertilization does not take place. If it does, the temperature remains elevated for some more time. When implantation takes place, there is a dip in body temperature.

If what you experience is in the form of lowered temperatures is an implantation dip, a blood pregnancy test will be positive between three to four days. A urine based test takes two to three more days which translates to about a week after implantation.

Implantation bleeding: This is another early physical sign of pregnancy. Implantation usually occurs six to twelve days after ovulation for people who were actively trying to conceive. When a blastocyst which is the name given to the fertilized egg completes its journey within the fallopian tube, it gets into the uterus and adheres to its lining.

As it burrows into the uterine lining, implantation bleeding occurs. This will be seen as some pink or brown light spotting as someone wipes or on the underwear. This is not usually like the menstrual cycle as it is scanty and different in color. It also happens before twelve days post ovulation are over as opposed to periods which occur after fourteen days.

After implantation takes place, a blood pregnancy test will be positive within four days while a urine test will be positive within five days.

Cramps: Cramps could be felt about a week post ovulation. These could be as a result of ongoing implantation.

Pregnancy test: Whether one settles for a urine or blood pregnancy test, the results will only be positive if implantation has taken place.  This means that by then the fertilized egg will have attached itself to the endometrium lining and connected with the blood system of the mother. This usually happens at a range of six to twelve days.

Four days after implantation, a blood pregnancy test would test positive while with the urine test two or three more will yield the same.

Nausea: Nausea happens to be among the early physical signs of pregnancy. It however manifests itself mostly after a missed period and a positive pregnancy test.  Experiencing it before then is also possible.

An increase in the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone is suspected to be the cause for feeling nauseous. Since this is the hormone that is tested in pregnancy tests, one would expect to get positive results by the time they are experiencing it. It occurs two to four weeks after ovulation.

Missed period: The absence of a menstrual period within one’s regular duration will be a cause of concern for many women. This is referred to as secondary amenorrhea. For a woman who had unprotected intercourse, the most probable thing would be that they are pregnant. Taking a pregnancy test will confirm this. If the test repeatedly tests negative, the only other reason there could be for this is anovulation.

Implantation Spotting is one of the early physical signs of pregnancy
Implantation Spotting is one of the early physical signs of pregnancy

Breast tenderness: It is normal for a woman to feel breast tenderness while at the initial stages of the pregnancy. This is caused by hormonal changes resulting from increased levels of progesterone. If this is coupled with caffeine intake, the sensation increases.

What are the First Early Physical Signs of Pregnancy?

The first early physical signs of pregnancy will differ from woman to woman. While some will experience no symptoms, others will experience some while others may experience all. Among the first early signs of pregnancy are:

  • Breast tenderness
  • Nausea
  • Cramps
  • Implantation spotting
  • Changes in temperature
  • Missed period
  • A positive pregnancy test

What Next After Noticing Early Physical Signs of Pregnancy?

When some women, especially those who have been actively trying to conceive, get some symptoms of pregnancy, they are bound to get overly excited. On the other hand, those who were not anticipating a baby may feel disillusioned.

In the process, they may all get too absorbed in what they are feeling which may not always be enough to prove pregnancy. As such, the only way to be certain that a pregnancy is developing is to take a pregnancy test.

If it is confirmed that someone is pregnant, a consultation with the doctor would be important to help one understand what is expected of them and how to best take care of the unborn one.

This will also help you organize for prenatal clinics and schedule prescriptions for prenatal vitamins to ensure deficiencies are taken care of and both your and the baby’s needs are met.

For the sake of the unborn, people who drink and smoke should quit the habit to avoid causing any harm on the baby as soon as, or even before they see the first physical signs of pregnancy.

It may be difficult for women to deal with their first signs of pregnancy at work and in other social environments. This is more so if they are yet to deliver the news about the pregnancy to anyone. Few people may therefore know what they are going through.

For people who are not yet ready to announce the pregnancy, keeping the pregnancy secret may be hard especially with symptoms such as vomiting and dizziness. Looking for ways to deal with them and avoiding triggers would help one to remain comfortable at work.

More on Symptoms and Signs of Pregnancy:

See More on Ovulation, Conception & Early Symptoms of Pregnancy.

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