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Protect Your Memories: The Mandela Effect

Did you know that 30% of people could be convinced of experiencing a false autobiographical event? In fact, 76% of adults fail to recall even general information accurately. There are even instances where many people all fail to recall the same information correctly, and this is known as the Mandela Effect.

The Mandela Effect is a psychological phenomena where a large group of people misremember a specific  detail or event. This is actually quite common and is often the result of source memory errors, false memories, and conformity.  The advent of the internet has made instances of the Mandela Effect more common since information and peoples opinions about that information is much more available to large groups of people. 

It can be worrisome to discover that your memories have been constructed due to outside information or opinions, so it is important to take steps to avoid the Mandela Effect in your own life. 

The easiest way to avoid the Mandela Effect is to reject conformity. Even if many people believe that a piece of information is correct, always double check and form your own opinions. This can help form true opinions and memories instead of false memories that are brought on by external sources. You can also create documentation of events so that you can easily recall them later without having to always resort to a potentially faulty memory. To learn more about how to protect your memory, take a look at the infographic below:

Mandela Effect
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