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The Use of Color Psychology in Marketing

When it comes to marketing campaigns, looks run far deeper than the skin. Presenting a product or company in the best possible light means the difference between success and failure. Seemingly trivial decisions like color can cost companies millions in lost revenue if used improperly. For modern shoppers, between 62% and 90% of the decision to purchase comes down to color. 

What can marketers do with this information? There’s no one right color for every situation. With color psychology as a guide, a successful marketer knows which color to bring out and when. Used correctly, colors can increase or decrease appetite. They can calm customers, boost attention spans, or even encourage sales. 

Take the housing market for example. Home colors can make or break the value of marketing efforts. Red walls bring a sense of urgency to viewers. They increase blood pressure and are often associated with blood or pain. Few people want such associations in their home. Meanwhile, light blue is calm and soothing. As one of the world’s most popular colors, 60% of people who sleep in blue bedrooms wake up happy. In branding, red is good for landing pages while blue offers feelings of trust later on.

Learn about the psychology of color in marketing, what color does to the brain, and colors that maximize your marketing value

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