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Top Tips To Recognize And Avoid Ticks And The Diseases They Carry

Ticks are not agile. They don’t jump incredibly high like fleas. In fact, they don’t even run. All they do is sit on a blade of grass at the edge of a track, and wait. When an animal pushes past the grass, the tick simply strolls onto the animal and finds a spot to sink its hooks in.

It is worth noting that, although ticks generally go onto animals, they can also latch onto humans. 

In most cases, you won’t feel the bite. You’ll only know you have a tick when you notice it on your body. 

The Danger With Ticks

If you notice a lot of ticks in your back yard or the fields near you then you should contact your local pest control company. They will be able to assess the issue and decide if action needs to be taken. If it does, they have the equipment to eliminate the ticks relatively easily.

You can find out more about pest control options if you click here.

Ticks can carry diseases in their blood. When they suck blood from you some of the blood they have passed into your bloodstream. If they are carrying any diseases they will infect you. The good news is that it usually takes twenty-four hours for the diseases to be transmitted. That’s why you need to spot and remove ticks as soon as possible. 

Ticks can carry an array of diseases, these are the most common ones.

  • Lyme Disease
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Borrelia
  • Powassan Virus Disease
  • Tularemia

There are others, you should be aware of the most prominent tick-borne diseases in your area, or the location you are visiting.

Recognizing Tick Illness

The symptoms of your illness will depend on the disease your tick has given you. If you don’t realize you have been bitten you may not connect feeling unwell with ticks. If you have been bitten and removed the tick and start to feel unwell, it is best to head to your doctor and get yourself checked out. This is one time it is better to be safe than sorry.

Avoiding Ticks

The simplest approach is to avoid anywhere with long grass. Of course, this isn’t a practical option. But, you can wear long trousers and ensure that no flesh is visible to the ticks. This will help to ensure they can’t bite you even if they get on your clothing.

You should also brush yourself off after a walk and inspect yourself visually to ensure there are no ticks present. This will help to prevent them from spreading disease and causing you issues.

If you do notice a tick, remove it with tweezers or a tick removal tool. The trick is to grab it at its base and remove it whole. If you leave part of the tick in then the disease could continue to spread and the site of the tick may become infected.

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