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How to Lighten Hair without Bleach for Dark, Dyed, Red Hair

Here’s how to lighten hair without bleach. The steps below will help you lighten dark hair, dyed hair, brown, red and Asian hair without using any bleaching agent. All these hair colors may require different tricks to bleach a shade or two. Follow this guide.

Are you wondering how you can bleach your hair without using harsh chemical bleach? Well you have landed on the right page. Below, discover how to lighten hair without bleach and without spending big bucks at the salon. Whether you have dark, brown, red or Asian hair, or your hair is already dyed but would wish to lighten it to a lighter shade without using bleach, it is our sincere hope that you will find this article helpful.

How to Lighten Colored Hair
how to lighten hair without bleach – Vitamin C

How to Lighten Hair without Bleach (Using Honey)

No session of hair lightening without using bleach can be complete without mentioning honey. Yes, honey is one of the most popular and effective home hair lightening remedies. Honey contains an enzyme that produces small quantities of hydrogen peroxide, which is a common hair bleaching agent.

Here is how to bleach your hair without bleach using honey. Follow these steps on how to lighten hair without bleach at home.

  1. Add 5 tablespoons of honey in a bowl and mix it with enough water to make the honey easy to apply on your hair
  2. Shampoo your hair and pat it with a towel to remove excess water but leave it damp
  3. Apply the honey all over your hair r in sections where highlights are needed
  4. Cover your head with a shower cap or a plastic wrap for 30 to 40 minutes and then wash the hair with warm water

How to Lighten Dark Hair without Bleach

Can you lighten dark hair without bleach? It is possible to lighten or highlight dark hair without bleach. Here is how to lighten black hair without bleach using natural ingredients that are not only easily available in your house or at low cost, but cause significantly less harm to your hair compared to chemical dyes.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is one of the most popular hair lightening remedies and depending on the shade of your hair color, lemon juice can give gradual to extreme hair lightening effect, sometimes after just one application but in most cases a number of applications are needed before an easily noticeable effect can be achieved. You thus need to be patient and dedicated with the lemon juice hair lightening technique.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is yet another great way to on how to lighten dark hair without bleach and is ranks high among home remedies to lighten hair naturally. All you have to do is to prepare chamomile tea by boiling a tea bag in a pot of boiling water and using the tea to rinse your hair once it has cooled down.

It also helps to rest in the sun for one hour after applying the tea on your hair before shampooing the hair. And most importantly, you should finish with a deep conditioning treatment to get rid of dryness. You may have to repeat the process on how to lighten hair without bleach but with chamomile tea a number of times to get the results you desire.

Since chamomile tea has been found to be allergic to some people, it is advisable to perform a skin test before using chamomile tea to lighten your hair by applying a dab of chamomile tea on your skin about two hours before the chamomile treatment on your hair. Should you develop a rash or swell as a result, it would be a great idea to do away with this hair lightening method. Chamomile treatment is also not advisable for use by people who are allergic to ragweed.

How to Lighten Dyed Hair without Bleach

how to lighted dyed hair without bleach
before and after lightening dyed hair

What if you have dyed your hair and desire a lighter shade but would rather not use bleach? Is there a way on how to lighten hair without bleach, especially for freshly dyed hair or hair dyed too dark? Well, here is how to lighten dyed hair without using chemical bleach or spending big buck on another salon trip:

Using vitamin C

You can use vitamin C to lighten dyed hair as long as your natural hair color is not black since vitamin C works by getting rid of the dye present in your hair strands. This method is very effective and considerable lightening can be expected in just one application.

You may however want to apply vitamin C several times to achieve the shade of color you desire.


  • 15 to 20 vitamin C tablets
  • Natural deep conditioning treatment

Steps to Lighten Hair without Bleach

  1. Crush the vitamin  tablets to obtain a fine powder
  2. In a bowl, mix the powder with enough conditioner to obtain a paste that can easily be applied on your hair
  3. Apply the paste through your hair with your fingers while using a wide toothed toothbrush to distribute it
  4. Cover your hair with a shower cap or a plastic wrap and leave it on for 1 to 2 hours
  5. Rinse the paste off (or shampoo) and finish by a conditioning treatment as you normally do.

Using hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is also a great option for lightening dyed hair. For this method you will need:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • Spray bottle


  1. Pour the 3% peroxide solution into the spray bottle in its undiluted form.
  2. Spray it on your hair as required; that is, on the entire hair if you want to lighten the whole head of hair or in the appropriate sections if you only want to highlight your hair. Use a comb momentarily as you do this to ensure a proper spread of the hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Grab a drink or a book and lie outdoors in the sun till the hydrogen peroxide dries on your hair for the best effect. 30 to 60 minutes is appropriate
  4. Rinse or shampoo your hair and follow by applying a deep conditioner
  5. Repeat the process as needed to achieve the desired shade. No more than one application per week though

Use a clarifying shampoo

A clarifying shampoo can also be used to get rid of the dye and lighten dyed hair. Prell shampoo is a great choice for clarifying shampoos and is available in most grocery stores. Prell shampoo contains acetic acid which helps to eliminate any oils built up in your hair. it also gets rid of hair color present in your hair.


  1. Pour some Prell shampoo (or any other clarifying shampoo for that matter) into the palm of your hand and slather it all over your hair.
  2. Use a comb to spread the shampoo throughout your hair.
  3. Leave the shampoo on for 45 minutes
  4. Rinse your hair with warm water
  5. Use Prell shampoo repeatedly to get the desired shade of hair color

How to Lighten Brown Hair without Bleach – Hydrogen peroxide Method

hydrogen peroxide for lightenining dyed hair
hydrogen peroxide can be used for lightening dyed hair

If you didn’t know, the hydrogen peroxide that is commonly used to clean around and sanitize homes can also be used for hair lightening purposes. As a matter of fact, applying hydrogen peroxide is a very popular hair bleaching method because it typically gives relatively quicker results.

The downside to using hydrogen peroxide, however, is that it often damages the hair leaving it very dry, but this can always be overcome by using a deep conditioner after a peroxide treatment.

If you have dark brown to black hair, it is suggested that you perform a strand test to see the results since application hydrogen peroxide is known to cause undesirable shades of orange.

Here is how to lighten brown hair without bleach using hydrogen peroxide:


  1. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide and water in the ratio of 1:1 (e.g. 1 cup of water and 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide)
  2. Apply the solution on your hair as desired and allow it to set in for 1 hour. It is advisable to head out in the sun with the hydrogen peroxide still in your hair to boost its lightening effect.
  3. Shampoo your hair as you normally do and follow with a deep conditioning treatment.
  4. Repeat the procedure as required to achieve the desired results but don’t overdo it to avoid excessive damage to your hair. One treatment per week is appropriate.

How to Lighten Red Hair without Bleach

On how to lighten hair without bleach, redheads may also find the need to try something here. If you have dyed your hair red and wish to go blonde or get a lighter shade of hair color, what options do you have?

Well your best bet would be to use vitamin C treatment which we have already covered in this article. Applying Vitamin C helps to remove the dye and each subsequent treatment would get your hair get a lighter shade of red and your hair is bound to go back to its natural color.

Once that had happened, you can then use any hair lightening remedy to lighten your hair to the desired shade including blonde e.g. by applying lemon juice.

Other options you may consider are Prell shampoo and hydrogen peroxide. Alternatively, you can allow the hair some time for the red dye to fade by itself before lightening the hair to your desired color using the numerous options that we have already discussed in this article.

How to Lighten Asian Hair without Bleach

Asian hair typically varies from black to brown and the options available for Asian ladies looking to lighten their hair will depend on their specific hair color. For example, Asian ladies with vey black hair may want to stay away from using hydrogen peroxide or else testing it on a small section of their fast since it is known to cause an orange shade.

As for those with a brown natural shade of color, hydrogen peroxide can be used but caution also needs to be taken if the hair is a very dark brown. Other options available for Asian hair include lemon, honey and chamomile tea. It deserves to be mentioned however that Asian hair is relatively harder to lighten.

More on Bleaching Hair

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