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Little White Spots on Legs and Arms Cause and Treatment of White Bumps on Legs

White spots on legs and white spots on your arms are also called idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis. They can spread and multiply if not treated soon enough. Here are causes of white patches on legs such as tanning, aging, circulation problems and sun exposure; and how to get rid of small raised white marks and bumps on the skin. You will also learn best treatment to remove white leg and arm spots easily.

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  • How can I get rid of the white patches on my arms and legs?
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    how to get rid of white spots on legs
    how to get rid of white spots on legs

What Are These White Spots on Legs and Arms?

Small white spots on legs may appear as marks on the skin as a result of depigmentation. These marks may appear as little or tiny white spots on the arms or legs. Some of the tiny white patches may become dry and spread to the upper thighs and even upper arms. Some people experience white spots on face and other parts of the body.

These white spots might be an indication of vitiligo skin problem, though not always. You may have shiny white patches on the skin as a result of excessive exposure to the sun or if you are used to tanning. Age can also cause small white spots on the skin around arms, legs and thighs. We will look at all the causes and treatments below.

You can examine white spots on the legs pictures and pictures of white spots on arms to determine if they resemble the ones you have on your skin in order to determine if you are suffering from the same problem described here. Let’s look at the causes of white blotches and white bumps on the arms and legs.

Poor Circulation and White Spots on Lower Legs

Dr. John A. Goldman of HealthTap says that if you stand for so long and have poor circulation of blood to your feet, you are likely to have those little white spots on your legs. These are however not white bumps on your feet and arms as such symptoms may be caused by a fungal infection. He says, “It may have something to do with circulation.”

Causes of White Spots on Legs and Arms

What causes white spots on legs? Some people refer to white blotches or depigmentation on arms and legs as white spots from tanning, white spots from sun and pregnant white spots on the feet, white marks from circulation or legs and upper arms. All these references that are linked to the causes of the skin problem.

While the causes may vary, white spots on arms, legs and other parts of the body may indicate a fungal infection or a skin problem called vitiligo. Appearing on other parts of the body, such as white marks on the lips, these are sometimes associated with herpes and other STDs. The following are the common causes of white spots on legs and arms.

White sun spots on arms caused by tanning in the sun
White sun spots on arms
  • White sun spots on legs are caused by excessive exposure to the sun over years.  You can prevent white sun spots by reducing exposure to the sun. Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis is said not to be treatable.
  • Vitiligo will cause white spots and patches on the skin. This is a disease where melanocytes are damaged so the skin fails to produce pigment, leaving you with white patches. Genetic defects, autoimmune attacks, melanocyte defects, nerve damage and oxidative stress on the skin are all said to cause vitiligo.
  • Autoimmunity may also cause white dots on legs.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Some people with white streaks on nails have reported white dots and discolorations. This is not proven but can be associated to calcium and zinc deficiency.
  • You can also get white spots on the skin from tanning. Tanning sometimes burns pigment producing cells.
  • Pregnant women may also experience white spots on arms, on thighs, legs and at the back of hands. If this persists after pregnancy, see a dermatologist.
  • Fungal infections on the skin may also cause white spots.

Before settling for any treatment for white spots on legs and arms, it is important to see a doctor for a diagnosis of the symptoms of the white spots. It is believed that circulation problems can also cause white spots on arms. This can only be determined and treated by a physician.

How to Get Rid of White Bumps on Legs and Arms – Treatments and Home Remedies

White spots caused by the sun, also called idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis is a condition where the pigment producing cells of the skin are burned out. You can get rid of the white spots by fading the skin around the spots. For instance, if the white blotches are not so evident, you can fade or lighten dark skin around the marks to achieve an even skin tone.

You can also get rid of white spots on arms and legs with physician recommended treatments and natural cures. Below, we will discuss the treatments used to remove white patches, freckles and blotches on legs, arms, thighs and hands. After the treatments, we will discuss the best home remedies for white spots on arms and legs.

Treatment for White Spots on Legs and Arms

You can get rid of vitiligo white spots on your legs by camouflaging them, but it can become difficult to conceal them using makeup especially when they are on your arms. The best way is to remove white spots on arms and legs using recommended treatments. Here are the best treatments used to remove white dry spots and white scaly spots on lower legs and upper arms.

  • Prescription steroid creams are commonly used to help the skin re-pigment and restore the pigmentation of the skin, and therefore get rid of the white dots.
  • When drugs do not work, surgical transplant treatments are applied. The discolored skin is normally transplanted.
  • White pigment spots on legs may also be removed using light therapy treatments such as laser and PUVA and UVB laser treatments. This is almost the same technique used to remove brown spots on the legs.
  • Anti-fungal medications and cures may be applied if your dermatologist establishes that you are suffering from white bumps on the legs and arms caused by fungal infections (Tinea Versicolor).
  • Liquid nitrogen treatment may be applied as a cure for tiny white bumps on the legs, shins and forearms.

If you see white bumps on legs and white bumps on arms or another body part such as raised spots on neck, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible for a diagnosis. The same should be done if you are suffering from white itchy spots on legs.

Home Remedies for White Spots on Arms and Legs

Natural home remedies for white spots can also be used where a patient does not want to use other medications or does not want to go for the expensive options such as laser therapy and surgery.White Patches on Lower Legs

  • Radish seeds home remedy for white marks
  • Turmeric cure for white patches
  • Cabbage juice application
  • Apple cider vinegar cure – a powerful natural cure for not only white spots but also cellulite
  • Ginger
  • Holy basil
  • Copper
  • Honey
  • Neem preparation cure for removing white marks.

See how these natural organic remedies are used to get rid of white spots on arms and legs here: white patches on face.

Home remedies for white spots on your legs and arms are generally cheap and easy to apply. While treatments such as laser may come with side effects and risks, natural cures for white spots on legs and arms may remain safe and effective if used well.

See More on White & Fordyce Spots:

One comment

  1. Jalshree khanal

    Comment:I have very tiny white patches on my feet and palm.I am afraid if it’s a symptom of vitiligo.what I should do?should I consult to a dermatologist??

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