Using vaseline for wrinkles can help prevent and even get rid of face wrinkles and eye wrinkles. That is according to many claims by celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston and the beauty queen Marylyn Monroe. But does vaseline help wrinkles? Is vaseline good for wrinkles? Let’s find out the truth by answering the following:
- Does vaseline help wrinkles?
- Vaseline for wrinkles under eyes
- How to use vaseline for eye wrinkles
- Can I use petroleum jelly for wrinkles?
- Does vaseline get rid of wrinkles fast?
- Is it true that vaseline prevents wrinkles?
Jennifer Aniston is said to use petroleum jelly to prevent fine wrinkles.
Apparently, celebrities really do a lot to keep their faces wrinkle free. There are some effective anti-wrinkle creams in the market that are very expensive and are said to erase fine lines around eyes, crow’s feet and generally face wrinkles. But have you heard of using vaseline for face wrinkles? Marylyn Monroe is said to have applied vaseline on her face to keep youthful looking. And it worked for her for a long time. Does that mean that vaseline is good for wrinkles as seen in reviews and testimonials of vaseline?
Petroleum Jelly for Wrinkles
Using petroleum jelly for wrinkles may work in a certain way. One of the wrinkle causes is dry skin. Most dermatologists recommend applying moisturizer all the time to keep the skin hydrated. This will prevent wrinkles. So, how does vaseline petroleum jelly prevent wrinkles?
Using petroleum jelly for wrinkles may help the skin because it keeps it tender and elastic. When the skin dries, fine lines start to appear, it becomes loose and saggy. At least you can prevent early wrinkles by applying a petroleum jelly such as vaseline on the face, under eyes and on lips.
Is Vaseline Good for Wrinkles?
I have seen quite many questions from my readers concerning the use of vaseline. Here are just a few that have recurred for a long time.
- Is vaseline bad for wrinkles? Any side effects and risks?
- Is vaseline good for eye wrinkles?
- Is vaseline good for preventing wrinkles?
- Is vaseline good for face wrinkles?
- Is vaseline good for under eye wrinkles?
Use petroleum jelly for smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles under eyes.
Why vaseline and not any other types of petroleum jelly? Traditionally, we use vaseline as a balm for chapped lips. Vaseline is good for face and eye wrinkles because “Petroleum has a high molecular weight which creates an impenetrable film on the skin—keeping environmental junk out and moisture in.” – Nick Morante [Cosmetic Chemist].
- Vaseline is good for wrinkles, but it does not moisturize the skin. Vaseline prevents wrinkles by creating a film of petroleum jelly on the skin, which traps the moisture in and prevents any loss of it. This way, the skin remains hydrated and elastic.
- Vaseline’s anti-aging power comes from its ability to plump up dry wrinkles. You can apply vaseline on the face to erase and smooth out face wrinkles.
Does Vaseline Help Wrinkles?
Applying vaseline can help wrinkles in various ways. Most of the home remedies for wrinkles work perfectly by preventing the loss of moisture from the skin, which helps prevent wrinkles. You can also apply vaseline petroleum jelly to help wrinkles by plumping them up.
Plumping and smoothing wrinkles using vaseline may work because the skin will not dry easily, which will leave you with smoothened lines. You can apply vaseline on lips to plump them up and get rid of lip lines. But does vaseline help wrinkles such as furrows and deep wrinkles?
Deep wrinkles may not be easy to remove using vaseline. For example, forehead wrinkles and furrows can only be reduced but not completely erased by applying petroleum jelly. However, you can prevent the lines from worsening by coating them with a film of vaseline twice everyday.
Does Vaseline Prevent Wrinkles?
Using vaseline to prevent wrinkles might not really prevent age lines. Wrinkles will automatically occur as you age. However, applying vaseline will help prevent early wrinkles from appearing on your skin. The jelly, when applied on a damp skin will lock in the moisture and make wrinkles under eyes and face wrinkles less apparent.
So, in this way, does vaseline prevent wrinkles? The answer is NO. “Moisturized skin will look younger as it’ll make wrinkles less apparent, but the jelly can’t actually prevent wrinkles.” []. It is believed that using jelly to PREVENT lines and wrinkles is a myth, but sure the jelly does help.

Vaseline on Face for Wrinkles
What about how to use vaseline on face for wrinkles. Nobody wants face wrinkles. They can throw away your age easily. You can benefit from the anti-aging benefits of vaseline by applying it on the face every night. It will keep your skin hydrated and well moisturized. In the morning, you will wake up with a plumped up face that looks youthful or a few years younger.
To use vaseline for face wrinkles, cleanse your facial skin every night before applying the jelly. Ensure that you apply the jelly while the skin is still damp. This will ensure that the moisture is locked inside the facial skin to keep it plumped, soft and young.
Vaseline for Eye Wrinkles
Eye wrinkles can be easy to prevent and erase if you are careful. Some retin A creams are recommended for removing wrinkles under eyes. However, you can apply vaseline for eye wrinkles to reduce their appearance and smooth out the area around your eyes.
According to some reviews and before and after photos of vaseline for eye wrinkles, people who have applied the balm on their under eyes have been able to achieve youthful looking under eyes, with even dark circles being reduced.
As it was with face wrinkle removal using this petroleum jelly, you should use vaseline for wrinkles under eyes by applying it just after cleansing the under eyes. Remove any makeup you may have on before you apply vaseline. Preferably, you should apply it before going to bed to use vaseline an overnight treatment for wrinkles under eyes.
Is Vaseline Safe for Wrinkle Removal?
Some websites claim that vaseline is labelled not to be used around eyes. “In a tube of Vaseline, a warning sign reveals, “do not get into or near the eyes”. []
Vaseline petroleum jelly may not cause any risks or dangers if used according to its label. It is a safe topical balm that can be used for lips, skin on face, around eyes, hands and generally the whole body. However, you should be careful not to put it inside the eye. It can cause discomfort. The ingredients of vaseline include ceresin, mineral oil, alcohol and lanolin among several others. Not a fan of vaseline? Check out this elaborate guide to the best wrinkle fillers available out there and how to choose one for your skin type.
Each night I put water under my eyes, then while still wet is when I apply the Vaseline. The vaseline locks in the moisture of the water. Works well !!
Im about to try the vaseline I shall let u know in a few weeks.
Used the way Harvard University studies state the results are excellent to prevent sagging of face, wrinkles etc. Here is what it states: While the skin is still damp after shower or bath apply Vaseline on face rubbing in until not greasey.