What are the infected pore symptoms and treatment? Discover the symptoms of an infected pore and how well to treat it in this article. Learn also, where you can expect an infected pore on your body.
When you have oily skin, you should be prepared for multiple problems. If it is not acne, it is large pores on skin. Enlarged pores if not washed properly could become clogged with dead cells, sebum or oil and other impurities from the air. When pores are clogged for a long period, bacteria can swarm them therefore leading to an infected skin pore.
You know you have an infected pore when the swelling is bigger on skin than that of acne. Sometimes there may be multiple infections on skin when you pick the pores with the problem. When you discover you have an infection on your pores, you should avoid picking at it so that you do not spread the infection to the surrounding pores. What are the infected skin pore symptoms and treatment? Find out in a bit.
Infected Pore Symptoms
An infected pore is simply a clogged pore filled with dead skin cells, dirt from the surrounding environment and sebum from the sebaceous glands. Normally, a pore would clog because it is large in nature. It is important to learn the causes of large pores and treatment to avoid having enlarged pores. Avoiding to unclog pores through proper skin care causes bacteria to swarm the clogged pores leading to an infection.
Infected pore symptoms include:
- Swelling
- Redness
- Infected bits of skin
- Pus
- Pain on the pore
- Itchiness
- Pressure in the pore
Infected Pore on Nose
The infected pore is prevalent on the entire face. The nose is one of the most prominent site where you can find infected pores. This is because it tends to have large sebaceous glands, hence large pores. If a certain pore is left unwashed for a long time, bacterial infection takes place causing an infected skin pore on nose.
You can prevent clogging the nose pores by using makeup primers before application of foundation. These are oil free and block the foundation and other makeup from entering deep into the large pores on nose. You will often find a teenager with an infected nose pore because of the hormonal changes that take place in adolescence. People who get acne breakouts also tend to have very oily T-zones. As a result, an pores that bleed or are infected is not rare on a person with acne prone skin.
Infected Eyelash Pore
The eye makes us see, and is prevented from getting impurities by the eyelashes. Where the lashes grow from are pores. These pores have oil glands and when clogged they get infected. You can know you have an infected eyelash pore when you have an inflammation under or inside the eyelid. Sometimes the inflammation may occur alongside the eyelash rim.
Infected eyelash pore causes one to have a stye and chalazion. The symptoms of a stye are:
- Inflamed red bump
- Tearing in the eye, especially when you have an infected eyelash pore
- You feel there is a particle under the eyelid
- Crusty pus
- A hard cyst also known as the chalazion
Infected Pore on Breast
Another type is that found on the areola of the breast. Since hair grows in that area, the pores there if not cleaned after sweating or because of too much rubbing with fabric become infected. An infected pore on breast is also known as folliculitis. This is because it is an infection of the hair follicles on the breast. Infected breast pores may cause you to:
- Itch around the breast
- Have a white headed pimple
- Hurt on the breast
It is important to avoid picking the zits on the breasts as they can easily spread to other sites on the aureola. You must also wear loose clothing that will not rub and tear the infected pore on breast.
Infected Pore on Face
The face is the most sensitive part when it comes to infected pore on face. If you have large pores on the nose, cheeks and chin, you should try to close them. You can close pores naturally at home or using facial products from drugstores. This is because if you keep the large pores open, they will collect all manner of debris that could cause bacterial infection.
An infected face pore is unavoidable because of not only large pores, but also the overproduction of sebum on the skin. An oily face will collect dust and other particles from the environment and when the right face wash for cleansing pores is not used, infection will occur.
Furthermore, if you are fond of touching your face every now and then, you can spread bacteria from your hands to your face. The hands tend to be very dirty because of the various places they touch and the kind of work they do. Consequently, an infected face pore can occur leaving you with an unsightly zit.
Infected Pore Treatment
When you develop an infected skin pore, avoid picking at the zit. It should clear on its own within a few days. However, if the pore is very painful and has a developed a drainage passage, see a doctor to prick it for you to avoid scarring your skin. You can expect the following infected pore treatment from the doctor depending on then nature of your infected skin pore:
- Oral antibiotics
- Topical antibiotics
- Incision to drain the contents without scarring
The doctor may further drain the zit without causing scarring on your skin. You can also use these other treatments to get rid of the infection:
- Warm compress: moisten a wash cloth with water to, which salt has been added. Compress for 20-30 minutes at least four times in a day
- Buy a furuncle tape if the infected skin pore is unsightly and use it to help the pore drain out