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First Month of Pregnancy Symptoms and What to Expect

First month of pregnancy symptoms and what to expect should be in the interest of any woman who has just conceived or wants to conceive. Learn the most common one month pregnancy symptoms in order to know what symptoms of pregnancy to expect the first month of pregnancy.

It has been confirmed. The result came out positive. There is a soul developing within you. You are now wondering what lies ahead of you in the first month of pregnancy and what to expect. What are the symptoms of pregnancy during the first month? Have this answered below.

First Month of Pregnancy Symptoms - Mood Swings
First Month of Pregnancy Symptoms – Mood Swings

One Month Pregnancy Symptoms

The first month of pregnancy may not be so eventful. The baby is just starting to develop and various body changes are taking place. These serve to prepare the body to accommodate the developing fetus. Among the symptoms in the first month of pregnancy to expect are:

Nausea: Nausea is one of the first month of pregnancy symptoms that almost eery other woman will feel. Nausea can kick in in the first or second week after fertilization has taken place. This continues into the early days of the second trimester. Morning sickness can spring up any time of the day.

Mood swings: In the first month of pregnancy, there is a drastic increase in hormone levels that are likely to form part of the first month of pregnancy symptoms. These could render one an emotional wreck. This could see one choking in laughter one minute and draining in tears in the next.

Breast tenderness: The increase in hormones increases the flow of blood. They also become fuller and heavier in readiness to nourish the baby. This increases their sensitivity. One may need to invest in comfortable bras to ease the tenderness.

Fatigue: The body of the woman is tasked with supporting a life that was previously not within. A lot of changes have to take place. One feels the need to take naps more frequently.

Frequent urination: Change in bladder feeling? Well, it is nothing but one of those first month of pregnancy symptoms. A pregnant woman feels the urge to visit the toilet more in the first month. This is caused by the fact that there is increased flow of blood into the bladder thus it fills up fast. The woman may also be taking too many liquids as is recommended to keep her well hydrated.

Food aversions and cravings: Women may feel repulsive to foods they were previously comfortable eating. They may also crave for certain foods. Since this is something one cannot dictate, one should follow their gut but ensure they maintain a healthy diet. Now, did you think those cravings were part of the first month of pregnancy symptoms?

Sensitivity to smells: Just like in food cravings and aversions, women may feel that scents they initially loved become repulsive. They also feel smells more.

Breathlessness: The increasing hormonal levels and the physical changes that take place in the initial days of pregnancy lead to increased flow of blood. This requires more oxygen to carry out. As a result, one may feel that they are getting short of breath. This could lead to one feeling out of breath after simple exercise.

To ease breathing, one may sit upright to give room for the lungs to expand.

Symptoms During First Month of Pregnancy

The most obvious sign that one is pregnant during the first month is a positive pregnancy test. This can be acquired around two weeks after conception. A missed period for people with regular ones can also be an indicator that one is pregnant. Apart from these, there are other ways that one can tell they are pregnant in the first month using the symptoms during first month of pregnancy.

It is normal for a woman to feel sick in the first month of the pregnancy. This could be attributed to the hormonal changes and the fact that the body is expected to do more work in order to have it ready for the developing embryo in the coming days. This combined with the rising hormone levels will leave one feeling sick.

After ovulation has taken place, production of progesterone increases basal body temperature. If fertilization does not take place, the temperature goes back to normal. If it does, the temperature remains elevated for some time. This could be used as a symptom of pregnancy during the first month of pregnancy.

In early pregnancy, the levels of progesterone cause the blood vessels to dilate. This may lead to low blood pressure. Blood sugar may also be low. These may leave one feeling light headed. The result may be dizziness and faintness.

First Month of Pregnancy Symptoms - Cravings.
First Month of Pregnancy Symptoms – Cravings. (Kim Kardashian)

Progesterone levels make the smooth muscles of the stomach to relax. This makes movement of food slow and could thus lead to constipation.

With an increase in blood volume comes an increase in blood circulation. This may make one experience some headaches.

What to Expect the First Month of Pregnancy

Since the duration of a pregnancy is measured from the first day of the last monthly period, one is not usually pregnant during the follicular phase. As such, nothing out of the ordinary will happen in the first two weeks. After all one is not literally pregnant.

After ovulation has taken place, fertilization may occur if there are sperms available to fulfill that purpose. Though they are in great amounts, only one gets to penetrate the ovum after which an insulating layer is formed to prevent any other sperms from getting in.

The fertilized egg then undergoes mitotic cell division to form a ball of cells referred to as a blastocyst. It is only after this that it travels to the uterus for implantation. This happens between the end of the first week and the second week after ovulation. By then, women who experience early signs of pregnancy will have started feeling them. The breasts may have started being sore and abdominal cramping may also be felt.

To add on what to expect the first month of pregnancy, vaginal discharge will increase and be in the form of a milk white discharge. It will also be large in quantity as opposed to being scanty as would happen if one was not pregnant. You already know that discharge is one of the first month of pregnancy symptoms.

After the egg has been fertilized, it will burrow into the lining of the uterine lining. This is what causes some bleeding at around six to ten days after ovulation. Soon after this, you may be expecting your periods but they will fail to come.  At this point the amniotic sac and the placenta will begin to form.

By the end of the first month a number of organs have formed though the baby is still a minute size. You should expect the first month of pregnancy symptoms to change slightly.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary for one to double up their food intake. One only requires an extra 300 calories. These roughly translate to two ordinary slices of buttered bread. One should concentrate on the quality as opposed to the quantity.

Though this is what may be required, one should attend to the body’s requirements. If you feel hunger pangs do not try to suppress them. Grab something to eat but do not eat too much with the excuse that you are eating for two.

More on Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy:

See More on Ovulation, Conception & Early Signs of Pregnancy.

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